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OS2.org News (www.OS2.org): 12.08.2013
LesTec MAID New Pricing and Update (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

LesTec is announcing a new pricing for the LesTec Handyware Bundle which includes the updated MAID 1.5 for eComstation.


The new price is now set on AUD$60 (AUD$1 around US$0.90 varies slightly daily)


Additionally a new update for LesTes MAID 1.5 for OS/2 and eComStation is now available for new users and owners of the software. The update allows 300 controls in a single dialog.


MAID (Modular And Integrated Design) is software tool to create User Interface Front End for prototyping and creating interfaces.


WebSite: http://www.lestec.com.au


Any queries or questions please Contact LesTec









Les Moull


User Interface Design and Email Management Software

GUI Prototyping Tools USB Backup



LesTec Pty Ltd

P O Box 1394

Dee Why

NSW 2099



Tel: +61 2 9981 5925

Mob: +61 435 998 969

-> URL: http://news.warpevents.eu/de/start/neuigkeiten_archiv/aktuelles_im_detail/archive/2013/august/article/lestec_maid_new_pricing_and_update.html

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