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Benötigen Sie OHCI USB Unterstützung ?

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Wäre interessant zu erfahren, welchen USB standard VIA's MVP3 SS7-Chipsatz beherrscht. An der dafür nötigen Treiber Unterstützung bin ich dann natürlich sehr wohl interessiert.

My system has UHCI but IBM's driver doesn't work !!

Es gibt Wichtigeres!!!!

I am starting to use USB on my Chaintech PC Motherbord and on my Sony Notebook.

Ich nutze SCSII

I have an Intel se440bx-2 board. I do not know what standard my board supports. What are the differences?


Ich wußte gar nicht, daß USB nicht gleich USB ist!

Everything from M$ is not good but it makes troubles to operate other systems including Windows. Seems to me it is wrong. USB was presented by M$ and now it has better support in OS/2. And what is about WinModem, WinSound, WinMouse, WinMonitor, WinChip and so on?
When does it stop? And what Windows 2000 supports?
I work with OS/2 more than 6 years and believe in IBM engineers!!!

Voted before, saying I didn't know what I had, just that the USBBASIC driver didn't support it. I now discover that I have an OHCI-type card with an OPTi 82C861 chip set.

...nebenbei habe ich auch noch einen PPC-Rechner (ebenfalls mit OHCI-USB), aber OS/2-PPC ist ja schon vor Jahren auf Eis gelegt worden, schade eigntlich.

uhci ist aber nicht auf allen via-chipsets verfügbar

My USB might not be useable due to having 3 parallel ports. The USB interrupt might be used by one of these ports.

Have not needed to use USB port

Eigentlich habe ich ja doch kein OCCI, aber künftige Hardwareanschaffungen werden mit Sicherheit *nicht* mehr auf Intel basieren, da möchte ich dann trotzdem USB nutzen können.

I don't really know how to use it best yet. But a modem (ISDN) seems to be a great appliance to connect via USB

Da ich SCSI habe werde ich nicht so schnell auf USB umsteigen. Höchstens für Zusatzgeräte, wie digitaler Fotoapparat, usw. wäre für mich sinnvoll.

IBM's UHCI driver doesn't work correctly if the system has a VIA USB controller, due to a bug in that chipset. I had to replace the original IBM driver by Robert Lalla's modified one and am now pretty curious if the printer class driver will work.
So I hope, that IBM will at least fix their own driver to run with the VIA chipset. It would be great as well if they'd add modem support for ELSA modems, for they are more inexpensive than 3com modems.

one USB standard is enough !
or OHCI should support UHCI !

Ich nutze USB derzeit ohnehin nicht, könnte sich in Zukunft aber ändern (Drucker, Digitalkamera etc.)

Both should be supported. However, IBM is most likely taking the position of waiting for an industry standard instead of jumping the gun as others have on certain fragmentation, as the 56K modem issue was.

IBM has a point that businesses cannot afford to change so rapidly with tools that have yet to be established as correct, appropriate, and/or the way to go.

Although I don't need any USB devices on my OS/2 right now, but I think it is IBM's responsibility to add support on such kind of new standards on OS/2 platform.

I don't have USB currently but would like to get USB devices within the next 12 months.

Infolge unsicherer Treiber-Situation bisher keine
USB-Peripherie ...

Mainboard 1995 gekauft.

I like idea of the USB especially if tape drives are produced with the interface.

Mein nächster Rechner hat bestimmt USB --- aber mein Betriebssystem? Und wie wäre es mit FireWire?

We need all type of USB devices supported. On Notebooks we can install a new Usb card to get it running and new devices are appearing on this Bus that should be supported: scanners, disc drives, Cd and DVD players, network cards...

I would like to have both standards supported by drivers. The consumer shouldn't have to research a purchase down to what chipset is on the systems motherboard. USB support is essential to keep up with advances in hardware. USB palm pilot, printer, scanner, etc. is where the industry is going. We, OS/2 users, need to be there as well.

I have a Asus p5a mb with Aladdin V chipset.

I have Ali Alladdin 5 chipset... current OS/2 USB support does not work in my computer..

How can I tell what standard I have. I have a USB port and am seriously interested.



call fill

Need everything , DRIVERS under all USB devices
I use most of them , both standarts


In my opinion there is only one USB standand and that standard specifies both OCHI and UHCI classes. I say IBM is fibbing when it claims to have USB support, the specification does not say you may choose one or the other. IBM should tell the truth about their USB and issue a disclaimer or complete the specification by implementing OHCI.

This has been my biggest complaint about IBM's OS/2 support. My company is using USB for a product but we can't restrict the hardware to the UHCI class. We had to swicth our OS for this product from OS/2 to win95 sr2 just because of this. Ugh! How painful.


Wäre ja nicht schlecht, wenn frau/man Daten von der DigitalCamera direkt auf den Rechner schieben koennte. Vielleicht kann mal jemand etwas ueber OS/2 und USB veroeffentlichen, waere nicht schlecht. Danke fuer Eure sehr guten OS/2 Infos. CU/2 JP

You mean there are USB devices out there worth using?

I use Tyan motherboards and contacted their tech. support for more information. They didn't answer my specific questions, especially regarding whether or not the motherboard USB controller is effected by these standards. They said they'd had no problems reported.

I'm contemplating my first USB purchase. Is this a standard that affects the motherboard controller or merely the protocol recognized by the attached device and its device driver?

My problem:
I would like to use the Iomega ZIP 100 MB USB: unfortunately it doesn't work!
I have installed the IBM drivers, USBBASIC.EXE and USBFLPPY.EXE but I suppose that there insn't a support for the new the AMD chipset;
I have also added the fix (found in Hobbes) "usb_uhci_fix01.zip" but I have gotten no appreciable result.
What can I do?
Maybe I must add some parameters the config.sys?

I am using daniatapi and DANIS506 and I am very satisfied: I have reached this transfer/rate of 53 MB/sec!
Now I describe shortly the configuration of my (new) pc:
Mainboard FIC SD11, NorthBridge AMD 751, SounthBridge AMD 686A, Controller VIA-AMD 645 VT82C856A/B;
CPU AMD Athlon [at] 550 MHz;
Hard Disk Quantum EIDE "LCT10 15 GB EIDE"

Probably a need a driver...

Verwende noch keine USB Geraete, da aber immer mehr mit USB angeboten werden sollten beide Arten unterstuestzt werden

I have an ASUS motherboard, slot 1, Running Celeron 500. My motherboard manual does not tell me what specs it is but USB support would be great in OS/2

Natürlich sollten beide Systeme unterstützt werden.
Wie sonst kann mensch andere Computer-Benutzer dazu bringen OS/2 zu benutzen.
Gilt eigentlich für alle neueren Sachen.
Ob es gut ist oder nicht ist doch unerheblich

Wieder eine Schnittstelle die keiner braucht und alles weiter inkompatibel macht.

How can I tell which one I have? Maybe someone could write a util to report which one is in the system...

Ein Betriebssystem sollte einfach jeden Standard unterstuetzen.
Beim Einkauf von neuer Hardware kann man sich leider nicht immer alles aussuchen.

wie finde ich denn das heraus?


My system uses the OPTI chipset. The device is recognized by Windows 98, but not by OS/2's USB drivers. I would also like a USB driver for more peripherals. My primary one is an HP6200CSI scanner.

However, I think that IBM should be supporting both.

Ich habe zwar USB, sehe es aber als _vollkommen_ Überflüssig an. Und nicht nur weil Windows nicht damit klar kommt (zweit System), nein weil... was soll ich den Dran hängen? Platten, da ist meine alte MFM von Seagate noch schneller und sicherer. Und Mäuse.. gehören an ein Port das native Unterstzützung erfährt.
Vielleicht mal auf USB 2 warten... der soll ja einigermaßen schnell sein.

My main board is a SiS board from TigerDirect. When I installed the USB driver from the IBM OS/2 driver site, it did not recognize the USB ports that are built into the main board.

I think it's always good to have as much support as possible. Especially for OS/2.

Ich warte schon sehr lange auf einen passenden Treiber für mein Compaq-Notebook

OS/2 sollte beide Systeme unterstützen. Die Zukunft wird zeigen welches sich durchsetzt.

IBM schreibt sich USB-Unterstuetzung auf die Fahnen, nun soll das auch WAHR werden, nicht die
Haelfte auslassen !

I have a Compaq Armada 1570D, and a home PC with an ASUS board... Haven't got a clue but it'd be nice if we'd have a good driver for both.

I won't buy any devices for the OHCI system until I get an OS/2 driver

they need to support both

Yes, I need both UHCI and OHCI. Also a number of newer laptop machines only come with OHCI including a number from IBM (I series 1400, 1500 models).

My current system is OHCI (ECS P5SD-B, SiS chipset). I am considering an upgrade to either a K6-III or Athlon but choosing a motherboard is complicated by the need to find an UHCI-compatible one (i.e. VIA southbridge chipset). Even then I understand that OS/2 support of VIA USB chipsets is problematic. This really needs to be sorted out! While I'm about it can I appeal for support for USB printers, too?

How do we find out which we have? I'd like to see USB CD-R/RW writers supported (specifically HP CD-Writers).

Please as I have three boards with the OHCI ,am very disappointed that OS/2 USB does not support both standards. Thank You Anthony

Yes, please. I have an ALI mobo...

need both drivers

Ich würde gerne auf / an modernen Boards meine alte Hardware benutzen. Was will ich mit USB?

If IBM won't do it, someone should. Meanwhile I still have the Mac...


Without UHCI my choice of hardware devices is limited.
In my line of business this is a bad position to be in - migrating from OS/2 is not an option!!

OS2 sollte jedenfalls beides können!

yet ! I would very much like good solid USB support for OS/2.
I'm planning on getting various devices and the only option I now have is SCSI which is 3x more expensive than USB based devices. Not having USB support is probably on of the most important things making me change plattform.

I got the standard USB - but who knows what tomorrow will be ?

I see more and more USB devices and I need to be able to use some in the future with OS/2.

OHCI wäre trotzdem nett. Außerdem hätte ich gerne USB Unterstützung für Drucker, Scanner etc., die auch mit VIA-Chipsätzen fuktioniert. Die originalen IBM Treiber sind nicht für VIA-Chips geeignet.


Yes I am looking for drivers as I am not able to use my system to full capabilities.

I plan on building a new machine in 6-12 months which obviously will have USB and believe that OS/2 should support the same hardware components that are supported by Microsoft and Apple.

I believe IBM should develop drivers for both forms of USB. We need an OS/2 system that can keep up with and surpass the rest of them. The more support offered for the new products, the better.

IBM needs to either fix the driver so it works with both USB non-standards or put a comment on DDPak notifying people that it only supports UHCI Intel chipsets. Too many people are being frustrated trying to get this nonsense to work when they have the wrong chipset to begin with.

Ich werde USB nie nutzen, da ich ein SCSI-System besitze, außerdem ist dieser Bus meines Erachtens viel zu langsam. Erst die angebliche Gesschwindigkeit von USB 2.0 macht es als ernst zu nehmende Schnittstelle benutzbar.

Let's let the hardware manufacturer's decide which is better. Obviously Intel and Via have this under control. We don't need YaUSBS (yet another USB standard).


Bitte schnell !!!!!

If its comes from Microsoft or Compaq, I don't need it !

Thanks for carrying the ball on this problematic issue. I want to stick with OS/2, but I need the drivers!

There is no USB "standard," just proprietary protocols. It is an important distinction.

Even though I don't know what standard I have in my machine, it would be good for OS/2 to have support fot OCHI

Asus ME-99 based on Sis 620 AGPset has USB, but user manual does not say which standard is used.

Obwohl ich nur UHCI habe waere aber OHCI nicht schlecht, denn vielleicht stammt ja mein naechsten MB von VIA ;-)

... or what I will have in the future. It's nice to see both supported though.

Sure we need

OHCI is a must!

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