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Der beste Name für den Mozilla/2 Browser ?

Ihr Kommentar

Yes this name is the best! Hey, is there a OS/2 Warp millenium possibility too?
-> want Warp in GPL! We need sources to warp more :)


cool :-)

I like WebExplorer better cause it true to the original. WarpZilla makes me think of this as something that is totally new and unrelated. WebExplorer let's you know right away what it is and what it does.

WARP passt halt gut zu OS/2!!!!!!!!!

they all suck major cock. but mozilla/2 is the easiest to remember

Der Name ist so halt schon bekannt!

Ich will Netscape 6 !!!!!!!!

Kool. really sets the mood, if you will.

Ohne Navigator & SOffice geht auf meinem OS2-Rechner gar nichts.

Besser als Millenium, Rechtschreibfehler machen sich nicht gut als Namen ;-)
(richtig wäre Millennium, siehe Duden)


Webexplorer ist der Name für den ersten OS/2 Browser und sollte es wieder werden!

Ist aber eigentlich doch wurst oder hauptsache er kommt und funktioniert

Dont blue, just Warp

Go with the name we all love to hate. It shows that crappy Windows software is still being ported to OS/2.

WolfZilla, die Zweite.
Los - mach rein das Ding.... :-)

Especially since it's IBM who has restarted interest in Mozilla. But also because it makes sense to give it a name intuitively related to IBM OS/2.


Our first browser was WebEx. I think it's fitting that this new browser be the same name.

It would be nice to remember the quality fast browser that IBM came out of the gate with. I would rather use Web Ex if it could support frames HTML 3 etc.

It helps OS/2 to be able to tell unhappy Windows users that "Netscape 6 runs fine on OS/2". If we say "Warpzilla runs fine on OS/2", then it means nothing to them. WOT?Zilla?

For the 98% of PC users who have never heard of OS/2 Warp, but might like to try an alternative OS, the Netscape 6 name is both comforting and familiar. "Warpzilla" is neither (and hence is a poor choice of name).

versionen emire strikesback

Das Wort "Explorer" in irgendeiner Form zu verwenden, stößt schon bitter auf!

The suggestion "warpscape" is really yneat !

Netscape is already a well-known brand name to corporations.

Netscape definately has the most recognition in the market. Being 'compliant' is al what it's about and it sure would help just to have the name sounding familiar!

Just my thought...

It's better to have a vision for the future, warpzilla sounds trivial

No Zilla please!

What else can it possibly be?

Back to the roots -> WebExplorer Millenium Edition ;-)

"WebExplorer ME"...It's GOOD!:-)
But,It is the most familiar with "Warpzilla".
Therefore, I agree with "Warpzilla".


just got used to it ;-)

Bleiben wir lieber bei Netscape, ich stelle mir lebehaft vor wie bei einem Problem das Gespräch sonst abläuft
"Mit was fahrens da, WarpZilla, hääh, na, des unterstütz mer net...."

einfach nur WebExplorer wäre schon ok.

Thanks to the warpzilla team. I really appreciate their work. Web Explorer Millenium Edition is the best name. I don't apologize for using OS/2, I'm proud of it. I want this unique name for the browser.

It would be the only Millenium named product to be released in the REAL new millenium ;)

I just love old good WebEx and besides NS is already black-marked by bugs and crashes ;)

However, if Mozilla is the basis for Netscape then "Netscape 6" should be the correct name.

Andy Staszko

It just has a good ring.
Against Millenium, I just get scared when people start using Years (i.e. Winblows)

If it becomes webexplorer millenium edition.... I shall shoot myself.

I still think the name "Warpscape" kicks ass! We should adopt THAT instead!

Aber am besten wäre sowieso BugZilla ;-)

Wäre eine schöne Anknüpfung an alte Zeiten und hätte zumindest vom Namen her keine Verbindung mehr zum verwanzten und langsamen Netscape.

halt nicht so "bunt" und OS/2 konform :-)

WebExplorer Millennium Edition wird es wohl kaum werden, da IBM dann Lizenzgebühren an eine gewisse Firma für die Nutzung des Namens "Explorer" in Deutschland abführen müßte.

Hätte der Umfragentitel nicht Objectiv Mozilla für OS/2 heissen müssen, statt des Subjectiven (aber erfolglosen) Mozilla/2?

Häte da noch ein bessern Name

Netscape The M$ Fucker 6.0


Darf man auch andere Namensvorschläge machen,wie z.B. WarpExplorer oder WarpWebExplorer?

But WebExplorer isn't registered trademardk?

Long live os2.org!


keine MILLENIUM Namen mehr, danke!

Der Name ist doch wohl sch...egal

WebEx ruled! :-)
Ne im Ernst. der WebEx war nicht schlecht, und er sollte so geehrt werden.

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