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Visualage CPP v3.0 und FP 8: was für Fixes ? (von: GA, 14:41:15) ^
Auf dieser Adresse findet man folgenden Zweig:


Auf der FixItNow, Juni 2000, gibt es ein Fix zu VAC 3.0 , welches die Kennung CT308X
trägt. Der Informationsteil der beileigenden *.abs Datei enthält u.a. folgende Information:


This Package contains fixes for problems that were discovered after Fixpak 8
(CTO308) was released.

The package consists of the following files:

CTO3081.ZIP - Post-fp8-1 fix code
CTO3082.ZIP - Post-fp8-2 fix code

This Package conatins fixes for problems that were discovered after Fixpak 8
(CTO308) was released.

Damit habe ich folgende Frage: Wer kennt die Probleme, die mit dem FP 8 oder später für VAC 3.0 und Warp 4 aufgetreten sind. Weiterhin: wo im Netz kann ,man direkt die Dateien
für CTO308X laden?
Und was ist der Unterschied der Fixe zwishen den auf der obigen liegenden ftp -Adresse befindlichen Fixes und diesem CTO308X?

[ Leser: 54 ]

Re: Visualage CPP v3.0 und FP 8: was für Fixes ? (von: Cornelis Bockemühl, 22:02:31)
Nicht fragen - einfach fixen ;-)

Ok - natürlich nicht immer und überall, aber im Falle der VAC++ v3 Fixpaks habe ich bisher immer nur gute Erfahrungen gemacht!

Was wird konkret gefixt? Nun ja, eine Liste liegt ja bei. Ansonsten deutet das "O" im Namen darauf hin, dass es um die OCL-Klassenbibliothek geht: Wenn du die überhaupt nicht brauchst, bringt's wohl tatsächlich nichts.

Visualage CPP v3.0 ein Ersatz für den Debugger: (von: GA, 11:48:22)

Diese Version stammt schon von 1998!
Die README.TXT Datei enthölt folgende Hinweise:

VisualAge C++ Beta Debugger

Disclaimer of liability
This debugger program is provided 'AS IS'. There is no warranty
or service implied with respect to the program.

The availability of this debugger does not imply that this or a
similar debugger will be included in future IBM product offerings.

Features of this debugger
The debugger (B_IDBUG.EXE) has a similar interface to the VisualAge
for C++ for OS/2 Version 3.0 debugger.
Remote debugging support has been added which allows you to remotely
debug a program running on another computer. This is useful for
debugging GUI programs as the debugger GUI does not interfere with
the GUI of the program being debugged.
See the online help for information on how to do remote debugging.
(Help -> Help index -> remote debugging)
You will need to run B_RMTDBG.EXE instead of the IRMTDBG.EXE that the help
says to use.

The "Message Queue" and "Window Analysis" monitors have been removed from
the debugger. There is a stand-alone utility (B_MQWA.EXE) that replaces
the message queue monitor.

Build level

Installation instructions
1. Create a new directory for the debugger (e.g. C:DEBUGGER)
2. Unzip the beta debugger zip file, preserving directory structure
3. Add the following to config.sys variables

- You must be running OS/2 V3 or later.
- You must have VisualAge C++ for OS/2 V3.0 installed in order to use
this debugger.
- You need TCP/IP installed in order to use the remote debugging feature
of the debugger.

Support is provided on a best-effort basis. Newer versions of this
debugger with bug fixes may be made available at a future time.
Please report all problems, questions, suggestions, and so on to
VisualAge C++ Support. They will be forwarded to the appropriate
personnel for consideration for future versions of the program.
Please indicate that you are using the beta debugger and give the
build number (see above) in your report.

Please include a complete description of the problem as well as a small
(up to 100 lines if possible) testcase that demonstrates the problem.


Your IBM Debugger Development Team

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Datum Thema
07.01.2017 *


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