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oops Config-File (von: Christian/2, 23:46:13) « ^ »
kann jemand was mit folgender Config-file was anfangen? Was müßte ich verändern?

PS: Squid und Smartcache habe ich noch gebacken bekommen.... aber oops... da ist momentan bei mir der Wurm drin.

## You can insert include statement at top level config, so that config can
## be combined from several files. 'include' can be nested (maximum depth 10)
#include <filename>
# nameservers. Use your own, not our.
# nameserver
# Ports and address to use for HTTP and ICP
#bind ip_addr|hostname
http_port 3128
icp_port 3130
## Change euid to that user
## WARNING: if you use 'userid, then you 'reconfigure will not be able to
## open new sockets on reserved (< 1024) ports and will not be able
## to return to original userid.
## Change root directory. If don't know exactly what are you doing -
## leave commented.
#chroot ???
# Logfile - just debug output
# When used in form 'filename [{N S}] [[un]buffered]'
# will be rotated automatically (up to N files up to S bytes in size)
#logfile /dev/tty
logfile ./logs/oops.log { 30 1m } unbuffered
# Accesslog - the same as for squid. Re rotating - see note for logfile
#accesslog /dev/tty
accesslog ./logs/access.log { 30 1m } unbuffered
# Pidfile. for kill -1 `cat oops.pid` and for locking.
pidfile ./logs/oops.pid
# Statistics file - once per minute flush some statistics to this file
statistics ./logs/oops_statfile
# icons - where to find link.gif, dir.gif, binary.gif and so on (for
# ftp lists). If omitted - name of running host will be used. But
# using explicit names is better way.
#icons-host ss5.paco.net
#icons-port 80
#icons-path icons
# When total object volume in memory grow over this (this mean
# that cachable data from network came faster then we can save on disk)
# drop objects (without attempt to save on disk).
mem_max 4m
# Hint, how much cached objects keep in memory.
# When total amount become larger then this limit - start
# swaping cachable objects to disk
lo_mark 2m
# start random early drop when number of clients reach some level.
# this can protect you against attacks and against situation when
# oops cant handle too much connections. By default - 0 (or no limits).
#start_red 0
# refuse any connection when number of already connected clients reach some
# level. By default - 0 (or no limits).
#refuse_at 0
# if document contain no Expires: then expire after (in days)
# ftp-expire-value - expire time for ftp (in days)
default-expire-value 7
ftp-expire-value 7
# While connecting to public FTP resource, use this string as password
#anon_ftp_passw oops@localhost
# if you want expirestart and run only at some time intervals,
# then use next instruction
#expiretime Sun:Sat 0100:0700
# Maximum expite time - doc will not keep in cache more then
# this number of days (except if defaiult-expire-value used for this documeny)
max-expire-value 30
# in which proportion time passed since last document modification
# will accounted in expire time. For example, if last-modified-factor=5
# and there was passed 10 days since document modification, then expiration
# will be setted to 2 days in future (but no nore then max-expire-value)
last-modified-factor 5
# If you want not cache replies without Last-Modified:
# uncomment next line.
# run expire every ( in hours )
default-expire-interval 1
# negative_cache - how long cache 404 answer from server
#negative_cache 0
# icp_timeout - how long to wait icp reply from peer (in ms, e.g 1000 = 1sec)
icp_timeout 1000
# start disk cache cleanup when free space will be (in %%)
# As on the very large storages 1% is large space (1% from 9G is
# 90M), then on such storages you can set both disk-low-free and
# disk-ok-free to 0. Oops will start cleanup if it have less then 256
# free blocks(1M), and stop when it reach 512 bree blocks(2M).
disk-low-free 3
# stop disk cache cleanup when free space will be (in %%)
disk-ok-free 5
# Force_http11 - turn on http/1.1 for each request to document server
# This option required if module 'vary' used.
# Always check document freshness, even it is not stale or expired
# This force Oops behave like squid - first check cached doc, then send
# If user-requestor aborted connection to proxy, but there was received more
# then some percent ot the document - then continue.
# default value - 75%
force_completion 75
# maximum size of the object we will cache
maxresident 1m
# minimum size of the object we will cache
#minresident 0
insert_x_forwarded_for yes
insert_via yes
# Load documents as fast as we can, or as fast as client can download
# First method will save number of opened sockets
# Second - save your bandwidth and memory.
# Use "yes".
fetch_with_client_speed yes
# If host have several interfaces or aliases, use exactly
# this name when connecting to server:
#connect-from proxy.paco.net
# ACLs - currently: urlregex, urlpath, usercharset
# port, dstdom, dstdom_regex, src_ip, time
# each acl can be loaded from file.
#acl CACHEABLECGI urlregex http://www\.topping\.com\.ua/cgi-bin/pingstat\.cgi\?072199131826
#acl WWWPACO urlregex www\.paco\.net
#acl NO_RLH urlregex zipper
#acl REWRITEPORTS urlregex (www.job.ru|www.sale.ru)
#acl REWRITEHOSTS urlregex (www.asm.ru|zipper\.paco)
#acl WINUSER usercharset windows-1251
#acl DOSUSER usercharset ibm866
#acl UNIXUSER usercharset koi8-r
#acl RUS dstdom ru su
#acl UKR dstdom ua
#acl BADPORTS port [0:79],110,138,139,513,[6000:6010]
#acl BADDOMAIN dstdom baddomain1.com baddomain2.com
#acl BADDOMREGEX dstdom_regex baddomain\.((com)|(org))
#acl LOCAL_NETWORKS src_ip include:./etc/acl_local_networks
#acl BADNETWORKS src_ip 192.168.10/24
## WARNING: acl dst_ip is applyed to destination hostname BEFORE
## any redirection used.
#acl LOCALDST dst_ip 192.168.10/24
#acl WORKTIME time Mon,Tue:Fri 0900:1800
#acl HTMLS content_type text/html
#acl USERS username joe
acl MSIE header_substr user-agent MSIE
acl ADMINS src_ip
acl PURGE method PURGE
acl SSLPORT port 443
# acl_deny [!]ACL [!]ACL ...
# deny access for combined acl
acl_deny PURGE !ADMINS
# Never cache objects with URL, containing next strings in path
stop_cache ?
stop_cache cgi-bin
# stop_cache_acl [!]ACL [!]ACL ...
# Stop cache using ACL
#stop_cache_acl WWWPACO
# refresh_pattern ACLNAME min percent max
# 'min' and 'max' are limits between Expite time will be assigned
# Iff document have no expire: header and have Last-Modified: header
# we will use 'percent' to estimate how far in the future document will
# be expired.
#refresh_pattern CACHEABLECGI 20 50% 200
#refresh_pattern WWWPACO 0 0% 0
# bind_acl {hostname|ip} [!]ACL [!]ACL ...
# bind to given address when connecting to server
# if request match ACLNAME
#bind_acl outname1 RUS
#bind_acl outname2 UKR
# Always check document freshness, but now on acl basis.
# You can have several such lines.
## This example will force to check freshness only for html documents.
#always_check_freshness_acl HTMLS
# line 'parent ....' will force all connections (except to destinations
# in local-domain or local-networks) go through parent host
#parent proxy.paco.net 3128
# parent_auth login:password
# if your parent require login/password from your proxy
#parent_auth login:password
# ICP peer's
#peer proxy.paco.net 3128 3130 {
## ^^^ peer name ^http port ^icp port
## icp port can be 0, in which case we assume this is non-icp
## proxy. We assume that non-icp peer act like parent which
## answer MISS all th etime. If this peer refused connection
## then it goes down for 60 seconds - it doesn't take part in
## any peer-related decisions.
# sibling ;
## if this peer require login/password from your proxy
# my_auth my_login:my_password;
## we will send requests for these domains
# allow dstdomain * ;
## we will NOT send requests for these domains
# deny dstdomain * ;
## we will send only requests matched to this acl
# peer_access [!]ACL1 [!]ACL2
## if (and only if) peer is not icp-capable, then , in case of fail we
## leave failed peer alone for the down_timeout interval (in seconds).
## Then we will try again
# down_timeout 60 ;
#peer proxy.gu.net 80 3130 {
# parent ;
# allow dstdomain * ;
# deny dstdomain paco.net odessa.ua ;
# Never use "parent" when connecting to server in these domains
local-domain odessa.ua od.ua
local-domain odessa.net paco.net netsy.net netsy.com te.net.ua
local-networks 192.168/16
# Groups
group mygroup {
networks 192.168.0/24;
http {
allow dstdomain *;
auth_mods passwd_file;
#group paco {
# You can describe group ip adresses here, or using src_ip acl's
# with networks_acl directive.
# networks_acl always have higher preference (checked first) and
# are checked in the order of appearance.
# If host wil not fall in any networks_acl - we check in networks.
# networks are ordered by masklen - longest masks(most specific networks)
# are checked first.
# networks 195.114.128/19 127/8 ;
# badports [0:79],110,138,139,513,[6000:6010] ;
# miss allow;
# denytime - when deny access to proxy server for this group
# denytime Sat,Sun 0642:1000
# denytime Mon,Thu:Fri,Sun 0900:2100
# Authentication modules for this group (seprated by space)
# auth_mods passwd_file;
# auth_mods pam;
# URL-Redirector (porno, ad. filtering) modules for this group (separate by
# space)
# NOTE: modules redir and fastredir can use several configs, one per group.
# use next form: redir_mods redir/1;
# and redir_mods redir/2;
# in the groups section.
# You also have to have correspondent module redir/1 {...} and
# redir/2 {...} sections.
# redir_mods redir;

# limit whole group to 8Kbytes per sec
# bandwidth 8k;
# limit each host 8Kbytes per sec
# per_ip_bw 8k;
# limit connections number from each host
# per_ip_conn 8;
# Connect from specified ip address for group.
# You can be use the ip address or host name.
# connect_from <ip-addr>;
# limit request rate from this group (requests per second). This is crude,
# and must be used as last resort
# maxreqrate 100;
# icp acl ...
# icp {
# allow dstdomain * ;
# }
# http acl
# http {
# http acls can be in form 'allow dstdomain domainname domainname ... domainname ;
# or in form 'allow dstdomain include:filename ;
# where filename - name of the file, which contain
# domainnames (one per line, # - comment line);
# the same rules for 'deny'
# allow dstdomain * ;
# }
#group world {
# networks 0/0;
# badports [0:79],110,138,139,513,[6000:6010];
# http {
# deny dstdomain * ;
# }
# icp {
# deny dstdomain * ;
# }
# Storage section
# Change this for your own situation. Oops can work without
# storages (using only in-memory cache).
# Storage description (can be several)
# path - filename of storage. can be raw device (be carefull!)
# size - size (of storage file). Can be smthng like 100k or 200m or 4g
# Size used only durig format process (oops -z).
storage {
path ./storages/oops_storage ;
# Size of the storage. Can be in bytes or 'auto'. Auto is
# usefull for pre-created storages or disk slices.
# NOTE: 'size auto' won't work for Linux on disk slices.
# To use large ( > 2G ) files run configure with --enable-large-files
size 100m ;
# You have to use 'offset' in the case your raw device (or slice)
# require that. For example if you use entire disk as storage
# under AIX and Soalris/Sparc - you have to skip first block
# which contain disk label (that is storage will start from
# next 512 sector.
# offset 512;
#storage {
# path ./storages/oops_storage1 ;
# size 600m ;
module lang {
default_charset koi8-r
# Recode tables and other charset stuff
CharsetRecodeTable windows-1251 ./etc/tables/koi-win.tab
CharsetRecodeTable ISO-8859-5 ./etc/tables/koi-iso.tab
CharsetRecodeTable ibm866 ./etc/tables/koi-alt.tab
CharsetAgent windows-1251 AIR_Mosaic IWENG/1 MSIE WinMosaic (Windows (WinNT;
CharsetAgent windows-1251 (Win16; (Win95; (Win98; (16-bit) Opera/3.0
CharsetAgent ibm866 DosLynx Lynx2/OS/2
module err {
# error reporting module
# template
template ./etc/err_template.html
# Language to use when generate Error messages
lang ru
module passwd_file {
# password proxy-authentication module
# default realm, scheme and passwd file
# the only thing you really want to change is 'file' and 'template'
# you don't have to reconfigure oops if you only
# change content passwd file or template: oops authomatically
# reload file
realm oops
scheme Basic
file ./etc/passwd
template ./etc/auth_template.html
module pam {
realm oops
scheme Basic
service oops
template ./etc/auth_template.html
module passwd_pgsql {
# proxy authentication using postgresql
# "Ivan B. Yelnikov" <bahek@khspu.ru>
# host - host where database live,
# user,password - login and password for database access
# database - database name
# select - file with request body
# template - file with html doc which user will receive
# during authentication
scheme Basic
realm oops
host <host address/name>
user <database_user>
password <user_password>
database <database_name>
select ./etc/select.sql
template ./etc/auth_template.html
module passwd_mysql {
# proxy authentication usin mysql
# "Ivan B. Yelnikov" <bahek@khspu.ru>
# look passwd_pgsql description
scheme Basic
realm oops
host <host address/name>
user <database_user>
password <user_password>
database <database_name>
select ./etc/select.sql
template ./etc/auth_template.html
# You can several (up to 15) redir configs:
# module redir/1 {
# ...
# }
# module redir/2 {
# ...
# }
# ...
# Such names (redir/N) can be used in redir_mods statements in group
# description
module redir {
# file - regex rules.
# each line consist of one or two fields (separated with white space)
# 1. regular expression
# 2. redirect-location
# if requested (by client) url match regex then
# if we have redirect-url then we send '302 Moved Temporary' to
# redirect-location
# if we have no redirect-location (i.e. we have no 2-nd field)
# then we send template.html (%R will be substituted by rule)
# or some default message if we have no template.
# you don't have to reconfigure oops each time
# you edit rules or template, they will be reloaded authomatically
file ./etc/redir_rules
template ./etc/redir_template.html
## mode control will redir rewrite url or send Location: header
## with new location. Values are 'rewrite' or 'bounce'
# mode rewrite
# myport can have next form:
# myport [{hostname|ip_addr}:]port ...
# myport 3128
# it configure redir module to process requests on
# given port
myport 3128
# This module can process requests which come on http_port
# and/or on different port. For example, you wish oops
# bind on two ports - 3128 and 3129, and all requests which come on
# port 3129 must pass through filters, and requests which come on port
# 3128 (common http_port) - not. Then you have to uncomment next line
# myport 3129
# which means exactly: bind oops to additional port 3129 and process
# requests which come on this port.
# myport can be in the next form:
# myport [{hostname|ip_addr}:]port
module oopsctl {
# path to oopsctl unix socket
# under os/2, it must be "\socket\xxxx" (default is "\socket\oopsctl");
# name is case-sensitive.
socket_path \socket\oopsctl
# time to auto-refresh page (seconds)
html_refresh 300
## This module hadnle 'Vary' header - it was written to better support
## Russian Apache
module vary {
user-agent by_charset
accept-charset ignore
## WWW -accelerator. To use - add word accel to
## redir_mods line for
## the group 'world' description
## You will find more description of this module in supplied accel_maps file
#module accel {
# myport can have next form:
# myport [{hostname|ip_addr}:]port ...
# myport 80
# access can have next form:
# access [{hostname|ip_addr}:]port ...
# If this directive is set, then incoming packets will be checked
# for module "accel", according to this directive, not "myports".
# In this case "oops" will open sockets according to "myports"
# as well as when rule "access" is missed. This is needed when destination
# of incoming packet doesn't match "oops" bindings ,for example when we're
# forwarding packets using firewall.
# This allows us to produce the following construction :
# firewall: forward network 80-85 -> ip:80
# oops: myport ip:80
# oops: access 80 81 82 83 84 85
# (in this case "oops" will bind only to ip:80 according to rule "myports")
# access 80 81
# allow access to proxy through accel module.
# Deny will stop proxy through accel completely, regardless
# of any other access rules
# proxy_requests deny
# File with maps and other config directives
# Checked once per minute. No need to restart oops if maps changed
# file ./etc/accel_maps
## Transparent proxy. To use - add word 'transparent' into
## redir_mods line for your group.
## in the your local (or any other) group description
#module transparent {
# myport can have next form:
# myport [{hostname|ip_addr}:]port ...
# myport 3128
# broken_browsers MSIE
## %h - remote ip address
## %A - local ip address
## %d - ip address of source (peer or document server)
## %l - remote logname from identd (not suported now)
## %U - remote user (from 'Authorization' header)
## %u - remote user (from proxy-auth)
## %{format}t - time with optional {format} (for strftime)
## %t - time with standard format %d/%b/%Y:%T %Z
## %r - request line
## %s - status code
## %b - bytes received
## %{header}i - value of header in request
## %m - HIT/MISS
## %k - hierarchy (DIRECT/NONE/...)
## directive buffered can be followed by size of the buffer,
## like 'buffered 32000'
module customlog {
path ./logs/access_custom1
format "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b"
# squid httpd mode log emulation
# format "%h %u %l %t \"%r\" %s %b %m:%k"
# buffered
# path /usr/local/oops/logs/access_custom2
# format "%h->%A %l %u [%t] \"%r\" %s %b \"%{User-Agent}i\""
module berkeley_db {
# dbhome - directory where all DB indexes reside. Use full path
# this directory must exist.
# dbname - filename for index file. Use just filename (no full path)
dbhome ./storages
dbname dburl
# This parameter specifies internal cache size of BerkeleyDB.
# Increase this parameter for best performance (if you have a lot of memory).
# For example: db_cache_mem 64m
# Default and minimum value: 4m
# This memory pool is not part of memory pool, specified by mem_max parameter.
# WARNING: the amount of RAM used by oops will be increased by the value of
# this parameter.
#db_cache_mem 4m
#module gigabase_db {
# This module enable GigaBASE as database engine.
# You can use berkeley_db or gigabase_db, not both.
# Also, important notice - indexes created with different modules
# are not compatible.
# ##
# # dbhome - directory where all DB indexes reside. Use full path
# # this directory must exist.
# # dbname - filename for index file. Use just filename (no full path)
# ##
# dbhome ./DB
# dbname gdburl
# ##
# # This parameter specifies internal cache size of BerkeleyDB.
# # Increase this parameter for best performance (if you have a lot of memory).
# # For example: db_cache_mem 64m
# # Default and minimum value: 4m
# #
# # This memory pool is not part of memory pool, specified by mem_max parameter.
# # WARNING: the amount of RAM used by oops will be increased by the value of
# # this parameter.
# ##
# #db_cache_mem 4m
#module wccp2 {
# Cache identity.
# Ip address under which your cache will be visible.
# You should set it only in case oops can't determine it's IP in other other way
# identity proxy.yourdomain.tld
# Service group.
# Look Cisco documentation what service group is.
# In two words - this is group of caches and routers which handle transparently
# some kind of traffic. To intercept www requests from your users use
# next 'service-group' definition
# service-group web-cache
# Routers for this service group.
# Here you list ip-addresses of routers in service group.
# To avoid problems list addresses from which cisco will reply - that is
# address of interface which is directed to cache. You can describe several
# (up to 32) routers.
# router
#module netflow {
# This module exports netflow v5 records to flow collector(s)
# Each record consists of source (document source, peer,...) address
# destination address (client requested document), bytes transferred.
# If you supply file with route prefix table and autonomouos system numbers,
# then source and desctination ASNs will also present in flow records
# file - path to the tile with prefixes (see file INSTALL).
# file ./prefix_table
# source - flow records source address and port.
# source
# collector - address and port of collector
# you can have several lines(collectors).
# collector

[ Leser: 53 ]

Datum Thema
09.01.2017 *


Name: * eMail: Benachrichtigung

Mit * markierte Felder müssen ausgefüllt werden !

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Thema von: Leser Datum Zeit
 oops proxy-server schlägt fehl
 Re: oops proxy-server schlägt fehl
 Re: oops proxy-server schlägt fehl
 oops Config-File
 Re: oops Config-File
 sperrt mich noch immer aus
 Re: sperrt mich noch immer aus
 squid: unbedingt zu beachten
 Re: squid: unbedingt zu beachten
 @Jan: Squid-Kontrolle

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