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Warpstock Europe: some information (von Chris Wohlgemuth, 00:00:00) ^
First of all, you missed a great event!
A couple of machines all running OS/2, of course I saw no W*ndoze at all. There was the opportunity to speak with the well known people from the OS/2 community like Holger Veit (XFree86), Ulrich Möller (XFolder), Achim Hasenmüller (Odin), Adrian Gschwend (netlabs), the webmaster of www.os2.org and many more.
Some information:

Adrian Gschwend gave an overview about the history of www.netlabs.org and the future plans. He is working hard to establish the new webinterface which will help updating the pages much more frequently. He's doing everything in his spare time so be patient. The new interface will allow projects members to maintain the project pages on their own, so Adrian hasn't to do that.
Beside that some other things are already working. The infrastructure for CVS based projects is established and some projects are already in their CVS trees e.g. Odin or WarpIn. He invites everybody working on a project or considering to start one to contact him if he want's to make netlabs the home. Everybody may download projects archives right now because read access is granted for everybody. Use NOSA the easy to use client for CVS access for that purpose.
The pages do not reflect this yet, but have a look at the ftp-part of netlabs: ftp.netlabs.org/pub

Christian Langanke presented the Netlabs Open Source Archive client (NOSA) which gives really easy access to the projects of netlabs. You don't have to learn cryptic CVS commands to get a source tree on your harddisk. Just click some WPS objects and everything works like magic. That's not kidding. I tried it to get the odin sources and everything was very smooth. Really impressive. But of course, first read the manual of NOSA which explains everything. Just download some sources and look if you want to join a project.

Ulrich Möller gave an overview about his future plans concerning XFolder. XFolder shall become the all purpose WPS-Enhancer so that's the reason for the name change. Golden code for the first release of XWorkplace is almost ready. I had a look at the sources, so it's definitive not vapourware ;-). Some minor bugs have to be hunted but that shouldn't need much time. Christian Langankes animated mouse pointers will be integrated into XWorkplace, too. There're plans to establish a kind of plugin architecture or WPS framework to make creation of new WPS modules much easier. Goal is not to have to install a dozen of different WPS enhancers to create a working environment but just the XWorkplace package. Ulrich Möller invites everybody to help improving XWorkplace. The XFolder/XWorkplace source code will be avaiable as an CVS archive at netlabs pretty soon.

Odin, the environment to execute Win32 programs as native OS/2 code, is under heavy developement. The code base is increasing very fast but there're still developers needed! If you're a programmer think about joining the project.
The team had to change the architecture since Win32OS2-a0.04 so there were only a few Win32 apps up and running at Warpstock. This is due to the fact that this change took place only just a few weeks before Warpstock. But now it's much simpler to integrate WINE code into the OS/2 source tree so in the future things will be easier. There will be a new alpha release sometime in the future.

IBM presented the new Warp Server for e-Business (Aurora). If you have to set up a new server have a look at it. Rather impressive.

And much more...

[ Leser: 117 ]

Datum Thema
06.01.2017 *


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 Warpstock Europe: some information
Chris Wohlgemuth11704.10.199900:00

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