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Do you need HBCI support for Moneyplex for OS/2?
Matrica doesn't get enough feedback to support the HBCI standard

The german software company Matrica provides OS/2 software to use online banking. Actually they don't get enough feedback, if they should support the new HBCI standard also in the next OS/2 version of Moneyplex.

You all can help Matrica to make the right decision!

Do you need HBCI support for Moneyplex for OS/2?
100%194 Yes, because my bank does/will support it.
51%99 Yes, because HBCI support is a must have to buy Moneyplex!
4.6%9 No, using PIN and TAN is fine for me.
6.7%13 No, I don't need online banking.
5.6%11 No, I already use another online banking software.
6.7%13 I don't know.

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