OS2.org News (www.OS2.org): 09.08.2013
Status of a new Firefox browser version for eCS/OS/2 (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

Here is a brief update on the Firefox web browser project done by
Bitwise GmbH.
You can follow the status here:

While David Yeo and other people have done a very good job of keeping
Firefox and Thunderbird and other Mozilla updated, but deep going
maintance of Mozilla products for eCS has been running behind for
years. Thats why so much time is now needed to get the code in good
shape again!

Its expected around the end of Augustus the first Firefox ESR 17 builds
will be released for puvlic beta. With so called IPC support. With the code getting so much updates it
will be easier to compile newer builds of Firefox.

These updates should also greatly improve the stability of the Firefox.

Roderick Klein

[1] -> URL: http://class='extlink'https://github.com/bitwiseworks/mozilla-os2


-> URL: http://news.warpevents.eu/de/start/neuigkeiten_archiv/aktuelles_im_detail/archive/2013/august/article/status_of_a_new_firefox_browser_version_for_ecsos2.html

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