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OS2.org News (www.OS2.org): 26.07.2013
Article: Using Git under eComStation (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

I made a quick article about how to use git.exe with the github.com service to upload code from eComStation-OS2.


On this little article I practiced cloning, committing, adding files and pushing some files from eComStation to a github repository I created.

It is a very basic and entry article since I’m not a developer and I’m not used to manage source code versioning too, but I think this article gives you a general idea how to use git.

Improvements to the article are also welcome since it is on the EDM/2 Wiki.




Martin Iturbide


-> URL: http://news.warpevents.eu/de/start/neuigkeiten_archiv/aktuelles_im_detail/archive/2013/july/article/article_using_git_under_ecomstation.html

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