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Neuer Intel NIC Treiber für eComStation verfügbar (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

Mensys BV gibt die Veröffentlichung eines neuen Intel NIC Treiber für eComStation bekannt.

Der Treiber wurde von Linux portiert und basiert auf dem Linux Kernelmodul e1000e. Er wird unter der GNU Public License vertrieben, der Zugriff auf das Quellcode-Repository ist auf Anfrage für jeden möglich.

** Unterstützte Geräte **

Die folgenden Intel Gigabit Chipsätze werden von diesem Treiber unterstützt (die Angaben in Klammern hinter der jeweiligen Bezeichnung sind die PCI-üblichen Kennziffern für Hersteller und Chipsatz):

82566MM Gigabit Network Connection [8086:1049]
82566DM Gigabit Network Connection [8086:104a]
82566DC Gigabit Network Connection [8086:104b]
82562V 10/100 Network Connection [8086:104c]
82566MC Gigabit Network Connection [8086:104d]
82571EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller [8086:105e]
82571EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller [8086:105f]
82571EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller [8086:1060]
82572EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper) [8086:107d]
82572EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Fiber) [8086:107e]
82572EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller [8086:107f]
82573V Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper) [8086:108b]
82573E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper) [8086:108c]
80003ES2LAN Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper) [8086:1096]
80003ES2LAN Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Serdes) [8086:1098]
82573L Gigabit Ethernet Controller [8086:109a]
82571EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller [8086:10a4]
82571EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Fiber) [8086:10a5]
82572EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper) [8086:10b9]
80003ES2LAN Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper) [8086:10ba]
80003ES2LAN Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Serdes) [8086:10bb]
82571EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper) [8086:10bc]
82566DM-2 Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10bd]
82567LF Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10bf]
82562V-2 10/100 Network Connection [8086:10c0]
82562G-2 10/100 Network Connection [8086:10c2]
82562GT-2 10/100 Network Connection [8086:10c3]
82562GT 10/100 Network Connection [8086:10c4]
82562G 10/100 Network Connection [8086:10c5]
82567V Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10cb]
82567LM-2 Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10cc]
82567LF-2 Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10cd]
82567V-2 Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10ce]
82574L Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10d3]
82571PT Gigabit PT Quad Port Server ExpressModule [8086:10d5]
82571EB Dual Port Gigabit Mezzanine Adapter [8086:10d9]
82571EB Quad Port Gigabit Mezzanine Adapter [8086:10da]
82567LM-3 Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10de]
82567LF-3 Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10df]
82567LM-4 Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10e5]
82577LM Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10ea]
82577LC Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10eb]
82578DM Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10ef]
82578DC Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10f0]
82567LM Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10f5]
82574L Gigabit Network Connection [8086:10f6]
82567V-3 Gigabit Network Connection [8086:1501]
82583V Gigabit Network Connection [8086:150c]
82566DC-2 Gigabit Network Connection [8086:294c]

Der Treiber ist vor allem für Besitzer eines neueren Thinkpads interessant und sollte mit den Modellen der Serien 400, 500 und 700 von Lenevo funktionieren, welche eine Intel Netzwerkkarte einsetzen, die nicht bereits von eComStation unterstützt wird. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieser Treiber keine Funknetzwerkkarten (WiFi, WLan) unterstützt sondern lediglich kabelgebundene Ethernet-Adapter.

** Wie Sie an den Treiber gelangen **

Anwender mit einer aktiven eComStation "software subscription" können den Treiber direkt über die Betazone herunterladen. Melden Sie sich dafür wie gewohnt bei http://www.mensys.com/login an, und Klicken auf "downloads". Wählen Sie dann "Mensys B.V. Software Subscription Services for
(verwendete eComstation-Version)" und "Access eComStation BetaZone".

Innerhalb der eComstation Betazone wählen Sie "files" und benutzen Sie dann die Filteroption in Menü mit dem Eintrag "Intel e1000 NIC driver".

** Anwenderunterstützung  **

Um Unterstützung für diesen neuen Treiber zu erhalten beachten Sie bitte die Hinweise in der Datei README.TXT die sich im Lieferumfang der Software befindet. Um einen optimalen Ablauf der Unterstützung zu gewährleisten ist es wichtig, dass Ihre Rückmeldungen an der korrekten Stelle im Supportsystem landen - halten Sie sich dafür möglichst genau an die entsprechenden Anweisungen zur Erstellung eines Fehlerberichts.

Mensys wünscht viel Spaß und Erfolg!

-> URL: http://news.warpevents.eu/de/start/neuigkeiten_archiv/aktuelles_im_detail/archive/2010/july/article/neuer_intel_nic_treiber_fuer_ecomstation_verfuegbar.html
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netlabs.org newsletter #118 (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

This is the latest edition of the bi-weekly netlabs.org newsletter. The newsletter can be read on the web at the following URL:

News from netlabs.org:
19. July - 25. July
One update
See: http://svn.netlabs.org/acpi/timeline
Some clean up performed and Dutch language file added
See: http://svn.netlabs.org/dataseeker/timeline
Java port for eCS (OS/2)
Very nice progress again
See: http://svn.netlabs.org/java/timeline
Ticket raised about path
See: http://svn.netlabs.org/kbuild/timeline
QT Applications for OS/2
Various programs added and updated
See: http://svn.netlabs.org/qtapps/timeline
Various tickets resolved
See: http://svn.netlabs.org/qt4/timeline
Loads of updates
See: http://svn.netlabs.org/uniaud/timeline
VirtualBox for eCS (OS/2)
Little update
See: http://svn.netlabs.org/vbox/timeline

12. July - 18. July
Rebuild PCI I/O 1st edition
See: http://svn.netlabs.org/acpi/timeline
Java port for eCS (OS/2)
Very nice progress
See: svn.netlabs.org/java/timeline
Issue with font size raised
See: svn.netlabs.org/newview/timeline
QT Applications for OS/2
QGoogleTranslate updated
See: svn.netlabs.org/qtapps/timeline
One ticket solved and some documentation updates
See: svn.netlabs.org/qt4/timeline
Good progress, many updates
See: svn.netlabs.org/uniaud/timeline
VirtualBox for eCS (OS/2)
Solved OS/2 build issues
See: svn.netlabs.org/vbox/timeline
VX Applications
Some further updates on the eTicketS program
See: svn.netlabs.org/vxapps/timeline

Netlabs.org relies on your support as well. We hire developers to have better progress on projects, for instance. For sure this costs money so any sponsoring is very welcome! You can support netlabs.org via netlabs.org sponsoring units:

Thanks for your support!

We can be reached at: news@netlabs.org

netlabs.org team

-> URL: http://news.warpevents.eu/de/start/neuigkeiten_archiv/aktuelles_im_detail/archive/2010/july/article/netlabsorg_newsletter_118-2.html
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Frequently asked questions and answers about eComStation (+12) (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

eCSFAQ - Frequently asked question about eComStation and IBM OS/2 Warp



The users continue to install new version of eComStation.. and what do we see?

a) the users can\’t remember the tricks and tips how to setup IBM OS/2 Warp,

b) + users are lacking of knowledge about new features of eComStation.


More questions and answers:

* SYS: Q-76: What are the improvements in eCS 2.0 to support modern hardware?

* SYS: Q-75: Questions about UDF driver

* SYS: Q-74: What to do if desktop doesn\’t respond, the program doesn\’t react

* SYS: Q: DOS program reports: \"not enough disk space\"

* NET: Q-54: Resolving troubles with TCP/IP

* NET: Q-53: Is it necessary disable IBM Peers if using Samba client? or disable Samba client to use IBM Peers?

* + USB: Imported records \"USB, Common\", including the topic \"Q7: How to improve USB 2.0 read performance?\" (thx Robert Lalla)

* USB: Q-11: How to enable support of two USB CD-ROMs?

* UTIL: Q-15: How to see Extended attributes (EA) of the file?

* SYS-UI: Q-01: How to adjust fonts in Mozilla/Firefox/Seamonkey

* CD1: Q-25: Boot fails, SYS01720, SYS02027

* HW: Q-24: (Hardware) Features and restrictions of eComStation?

* DRV: Q-01: Question about Genmac Wrapper

-> URL: http://news.warpevents.eu/de/start/neuigkeiten_archiv/aktuelles_im_detail/archive/2010/july/article/frequently_asked_questions_and_answers_about_ecomstation_12-2.html
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eCSFAQ: Frequently asked question about eComStation/OS/2 Warp (+10) (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

eCSFAQ - Frequently asked question about eComStation and IBM OS/2 Warp



New records added to the storage:

* PRE: Q-18: How to install on PC with Windows 7, HDD < 512 Gb

* PHASE2: Q-13: eComStation doesn\’t boot

* NET: Q-50: Which Internet dial-up utilities do you suggest?

* NET: Q-51: Which type of firewall do I have?

* NET: Q-52: What is the MAC-address of my network adapter?

* SYS: Q-71: How to accelerate boot and work of eComStation?

* SYS: Q-72: How to use minstall (multimedia installer)?

* BIZ: Q-15: I want purchase IBM OS/2 Warp 4 license

* BIZ: Q-16: Q-16: I want purchase ACP2 (IBM OS/2 Warp Server for e-business)

* BIZ: Q-17: Demo-version of eComStation


Updated topics:

* PRE: LOCATECD.SYS, \"Insert eComStation CD and press any key\"

* SYS: В-14: Change OS2LOGO (picture showed on boot)

* SYS: Q-37: How to switch English eComStation to other language?

* BIZ: В-13: Can I run OS/2 applications in eComStation?

-> URL: http://news.warpevents.eu/de/start/neuigkeiten_archiv/aktuelles_im_detail/archive/2010/july/article/ecsfaq_frequently_asked_question_about_ecomstationos2_warp_10-2.html
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BETAZONE - Updates for eComStation users (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

We are collecting bug-reports + download updates from BETAZONE.


Searching for victims:

* Does your PC hang on SCREEN01.SYS driver (with ACPI.PSD activated)?


* Do cdrtools work with your USB CD-ROM?

-- http://ecomstation.ru/projects/dvdtoys/

> or self-made USB CD-ROM (IDE CD-ROM + External HDD Enclosure / USB)


* Did you tested USB 3G/4G modems with eComStation? Please post a report to Hardware Database

mobile phones -- http://ecomstation.ru/hardware.php

> modems

-- http://ecomstation.ru/hardware.php


 Updated drivers, utilities and system components in BETAZONE:


=== 1. FOC - replacement of system File Open Dialog ===


Version 2010/07


The development of new FileOpenDialog continues.

New dialog increases comfort,

it\’s easy to browse the directories and select files.


screenshot: http://ecomstation.ru/projects/foc/screenshots/FOC-20100715.png




=== 2. Widescreen activator ===


New version of widescreen-activator: 0.87,

download -- http://ecomstation.ru/projects/panorama/


If you have troubles with Widescreen modes

(flashing or squeezed desktop) then try new version of ATI ATOM widescreen activator.

* ATI ATOM -> 60 Hz

* additional modes for Intel adapters

* Robert Lalla have updated widescreen activator several times: there is support of new processors, new features were implemented.



=== 3. JFS.IFS ===


eComStation 2.0 GA includes debugged version of JFS.IFS

more about JFS -- http://ecomstation.ru/jfs

request Mensys publish updated JFS driver in BETAZONE.



=== 4. USB Dock ===


USB Dock - the database of devices is updated.



=== 5. Panorama VESA (eCS 2.0 GA) ===


eComStation 2.0 GA includes debugged version of Panorama VESA -- http://ecomstation.ru/panorama

the driver was repacked, you can install Panorama Full over SNAP, VGA.



=== 6. ACPI driver ===


The only way to understand the status of the driver -

share information does it work on your notebook/desktop or not,

which version works and which doesn\’t,

send the report -- http://ecomstation.ru/projects/acpitools/


Beta-versions of ACPI are available via Mensys -> Log in -> Downloads -> ACPI directory

Current version: ACPI 3.18



=== 7. Lucide document viewer ===


This popular viewer is available on Netlabs FTP-server ftp://ftp.netlabs.org/pub/lucide/



=== 8. Intel PRO/1000 PCIe MAC Driver (e1000e) ===


supported adapters -- http://ecomstation.ru/apecs.php

internal testing goes well, the driver

works on desktop computers and modern notebooks

(Thinkpad T400, Thinkpad T510, etc). Wait for public version.

-> URL: http://news.warpevents.eu/de/start/neuigkeiten_archiv/aktuelles_im_detail/archive/2010/july/article/betazone_updates_for_ecomstation_users.html
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Test new UNIAUD audio driver build please! (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

Hello everybody,

I’m sending this email on behalf of David Azarewicz and Paul Smedley. David has been doing a lot of work on the UNIAUD driver to clean out none properly working source code. We would like to ask you to download the current build of UNIAUD. With the new builds older builds of
UNIAUD32.SYS will also no longer duo to required changes in UNIAUD16.SYS. Hangs on HDA hardware should happen in no way anymore. A lot of memory allocation routines have been cleaned up and improved. UNIAUD also has buffer _under_ run recovery. Which should improve video playback in genereal and people using the Emperoar TV application ( http://http://www.s-t.de/emperoar/ ):

Some of the recent improvements:
* Audio and video synchronisation with this build should be much better
then ever before.
*Overwriting memory, no boundary checking was sometimes done, now it
*Updates to the code that scans the PCI bus.

But as with all of these changes we do need people to test UNIAUD, get your build here:

Grab the latest beta package:
"The latest BETA release is 1.9.3 / 2.1.0: "

If you have UNIAUD installed on your system you can copy UNIAUD16.SYS and UNIAUD32.SYS to your \MMOS2 direcyory and reboot. If you run into problems please open a ticket on http://SVN.NETLABS.ORG/uniaud For opening a ticket see this scetion on the website "Submitting Tickets"

Some people have bene reporting that there system sounds are repeating, like for example the startup sound is played and then its played again, completely. This is not caused by earlymeminit=true in the config.sys or ACPI or the SMP kernel. We are working on this and it somehow seems related to qrymmcd.exe in the config.sys. A semaphore from MMPM.DLL seems to be getting mixed up. We are working on locating this.


Roderick Klein

-> URL: http://news.warpevents.eu/de/start/neuigkeiten_archiv/aktuelles_im_detail/archive/2010/july/article/test_new_uniaud_audio_driver_build_please-1.html
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eCSFAQ: Frequently asked question about eComStation/OS/2 Warp (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

eCSFAQ - Frequently asked question about eComStation and IBM OS/2 Warp -- http://ecomstation.ru/ecsfaq


New records added to the storage:

* BIZ: Q-14: Which version of eComStation is supported?

* SNAP: Q-6: Is it possible to install SNAP over Panorama VESA?

* P1: Q-23: Installing BootManager, \"Partition Alignment error\"

* CD BOOT: Q-24: How to cancel \"Disk integrity check\"?

* SYS: Q-67: What is the difference between the kernels?

* SYS: Q-68: Do I need SMP kernel?

* SYS: Q-69: BootManager shows Bootable JFS as HPFS

* SYS: Q-70: eCS 2.0 makes CPU work hard

-> URL: http://news.warpevents.eu/de/start/neuigkeiten_archiv/aktuelles_im_detail/archive/2010/july/article/ecsfaq_frequently_asked_question_about_ecomstationos2_warp-1.html
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netlabs.org newsletter #117 (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

This is the latest edition of the bi-weekly netlabs.org newsletter. The newsletter can be read on the web at the following URL:

News from netlabs.org:
5. July - 11. July
New PCI tests added and extension of PCS functionality started
See: http://svn.netlabs.org/acpi/timeline
Work started in email functionality
See: http://svn.netlabs.org/fm2/timeline
Java port for eCS (OS/2)
Good progress, first compile tests and fixes
See: http://svn.netlabs.org/java/timeline
Various interesting feedback tickets
See: http://svn.netlabs.org/qt4/timeline
Quite some updates again
See: http://svn.netlabs.org/samba/timeline
A load of updates in different areas
See: http://svn.netlabs.org/uniaud/timeline
VirtualBox for eCS (OS/2)
Problems reported with DOS commands
See: http://svn.netlabs.org/vbox/timeline
VX Applications
Work done on eTicketS
See: http://svn.netlabs.org/vxapps/timeline
[edit]28. June - 4. July
One modification and a new ticket
See: http://svn.netlabs.org/acpi/timeline
Major changes, support for uploading files
See: svn.netlabs.org/fm2/timeline
Java port for eCS (OS/2)
Number of changes
See: svn.netlabs.org/java/timeline
MacOSX hacks in kkeys.e
See: svn.netlabs.org/kbuild/timeline
QT Applications for OS/2
Various applications got updated
See: svn.netlabs.org/qtapps/timeline
Updated to 4.6.3, and a few new tickets raised
See: svn.netlabs.org/qt4/timeline
A few updates in different areas
See: svn.netlabs.org/samba/timeline
Number of updates, mainly in debug area
See: svn.netlabs.org/uniaud/timeline
VirtualBox for eCS (OS/2)
Copy working
See: svn.netlabs.org/vbox/timeline

Netlabs.org relies on your support as well. We hire developers to have better progress on projects, for instance. For sure this costs money so any sponsoring is very welcome! You can support netlabs.org via netlabs.org sponsoring units:

Thanks for your support!

We can be reached at: news@netlabs.org

netlabs.org team

-> URL: http://news.warpevents.eu/de/start/neuigkeiten_archiv/aktuelles_im_detail/archive/2010/july/article/netlabsorg_newsletter_117-1.html
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Interview with Alex Taylor (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

Alex Taylor is one of the core developers of the eComStation operating system. We asked him about his plan of work and interests:

Interview with Alex Taylor -- http://en.ecomstation.ru/showarticle.php

He also gives an advice for novice users and developers.

Interviews with other eComStation/OS/2 Warp developers and users:


-> URL:
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eComStation PC: Week of Postscript-printers (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

The next week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible Postscript printers. Our database contains 271 records only:


Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore.

Post new reports using the web-form at:


Attention! The developers of solutions are interested to know the list of unsupported devices.

-> URL: http://news.warpevents.eu/de/start/neuigkeiten_archiv/aktuelles_im_detail/archive/2010/july/article/ecomstation_pc_week_of_postscript_printers-1.html
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