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IcedTea-Web 1.3 Beta release (von Michael Holzapfel)
Hallo zusammen,

mittlwerweile ist IcedTea-Web 1.3 Beta erhältlich. Nähere Infos unter http://svn.netlabs.org/java/wiki. Da keine offizielle Ankündigung über die Kanäle kommt, dieser Hinweis. Das Spendenbarometer könnte übrigens höher stehen.Da wurde mal von 8000 EUR für die Mozille-Entwicklung auf den aktuelle Release-Level genannt. Demnach stehen wir erst bei ca. 50%

Vielen Dank an die Entwickler.

-> URL: http://svn.netlabs.org/java/wiki
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Correction on message from eCo software on FOC (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

Eugene posted a message about testing the eCo software FOC (file open dialog). This is shipped in eCS 2.1 but not switched on by default. This can be switched
by running the script: Execute command: focdlg /I

If you do however run tests. Make certain you download the lastest eCo runtime from:
http://class='extlink'http://en.ecomstation.ru/projects/developer/toolkit/ />The latest FOC version can be downloaded by loggin in via http://class='extlink'www.mensys.com and and then via the Mensys betazone you can download the latest FOC version.

Also note that the problems with FOC are not caused by NIC drivers or FS drivers that are broken. This was an incorrect technical statement.

Best regards,

Roderick Klein
Mensys B.V.

-> URL: http://news.warpevents.eu/de/start/neuigkeiten_archiv/aktuelles_im_detail/archive/2013/march/article/correction_on_message_from_eco_software_on_foc.html
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Reviews of Thinkpad laptops (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

eComStation.RU site has implemented an excellent model to keep database of hardware:

a) the users are posting short reports

(they have 5 minutes only; No barriers, users type simple text and post it; that’s all that we can collect from the users;)

b) periodically we are posting large reviews with information how to install eCS on modern hardware and how to adjust system settings.


* Here is the 1st review of Thinkpad running eComStation (the last 7 years):

Thinkpad X61 and eComStation, First Impressions (russian text)


(The previous reviews were published in 2004 or early)


* eComStation installation: Lenovo Ideapad S206


-> URL:
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New USB host controller drivers: usbhcd189.zip (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

I have updated the USB host controller drivers


I have now placed these on hobbes.

They will eventually make it into directory:

1) USBUHCD,USBOHCD,USBEHCD: booting from USB should now work

2) USBEHCD: performance should be back to normal

3) USBUHCD,USBOHCD,USBEHCD,USBD: did some changes to improve device
attach when devices are already attached on bootup

a) there is currently a problem with USBD.SYS if an external hub is
repeatedly plugged an unplugged. We are working on getting it fixed.

b) there is not yet isochronous device support (webcams etc.) in
USBEHCD. We are working on it.

DO NOT mix USBUHCD,USBOHCD,USBEHCD with a USBD of different version.
It will most likely not properly work.



-> URL: http://news.warpevents.eu/de/start/neuigkeiten_archiv/aktuelles_im_detail/archive/2013/march/article/new_usb_host_controller_drivers_usbhcd189zip.html
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Das beste OS/2 das ich je hatte... (von Sigurd)
... ist so gut wie fertig. Es fehlt nurnoch etwas Feintuning. Ich konnte dieses Ergebnis nun doch nicht zurückhalten, Gestern Abend ist der Klon soweit mit DFSEE erstellt worden. Ich werde zum Abschluss dann noch einen längeren Bericht über meine Zeit mit OS/2 und eCS und wieder zurück zu OS/2 in das Forum stellen und einen Film drehen.

Es ist nicht nur das beste sondern auch das schnellste und stabilste das ich bisher hatte. Es besteht aus:

Ein schönes Experiment und nicht zur Nachahmung empfohlen, auch Lizenzrechtlich ist dies zum Teil nicht erlaubt, ich mach dies ja nur zu TEst- und Experimentzwecken :-) :

Grundinstallation mit \"Meiner\" mit UPDCD in 2011 letztmalig erstellten Warp 4.52 DVD

+ ACPI 3.21.7
+ AHCI 1.24
+ Panorama 1.04
+ Cups
+ Samba (via Netdrive)
+ Java 6 (2013)
+ Qt 473
+ Kernel 106 SMP
+ Neueste Multimac Treiber
+ DFSEE 11.5
+ Open Office 3.2
+ Papyrus X
+ Lotus Smartsuite für Warp 4
+ Firefox + Thunderbird 10
+ Seamonkey 2.72
+ Microsoft Word 6.0a
+ Microsoft Excel 5.0
+ XWP 1.09
+ alle Programme aus dem Warp 4 Bonuspak
+ letztem UNIAUD (den Unimixer habe ich noch nicht aufgerufen, damit er keine Konfigurationsdatei erstellt sondern erst dann, wenn das IMG auf dem \"richtigen\" PC ist)
+ Voice Type (wobei das ja leider mit dem UNIAUD nicht läuft)
+ Segate Backup Exec 3.0 für OS/2 (mein absolutes OS/2 Lieblingsprogramm - so gestaltet wie Merlin wohl sein sollte, mit einem kleinen Zauberer als Hilfe :-) , wenn dass doch nur USB Laufwerke unterstützen würde....)

und und und

-> und das beste: alles auf HPFS 386 installiert!
(natürlich trotzdem mit JFS und FAT32 Unterstützung :-) )

Mit DFSEE habe ich aus der 4GB Partition ein 1,3GB Image erstellt, da ich theoretisch vom Grundsatz auf jeden PC zurückspielen kann.

Erster Eindruck:

- Erschreckend wie gut alles läuft
- keine Probleme mehr mit DOS Prompt oder langen WinOS/2 Ladezeiten (auch nicht im SMP Modus)
- \"Sauschnell\"
- stabil
- komplett auf Deutsch :-)
- Peer ist auch noch funktionsfähig :-)

Ich will noch ein paar kleine Ergänzungen machen, zum Beispiel den Flash 11, die Bootreihenfolge bei AHCI/Danis ändern und die Dateien für Touch und Fingersupport integrieren - dann lasse ich es mal auf das Samsung Slate los :-) (und dann will ich sogar, nur aus nostalgischen Gründen, gucken ob ich nicht auch noch den Netwareclient mit reinbekomme - der dann in der config.sys ausgeremmt wird, aber der Vollständigkeit halber).
Wenn alles gut läuft kommt am Wochenende die Finale Image Datei dabei heraus, zusätzlich will ich die Installation auch noch \"zippen\" wenn Sie fertig ist.

Es wäre eine schöne Sache, wenn ich z.B. mit dem DFSEE USB Boot Stick auf einem Rechner booten kann, mit DFSEE die Partitionen einrichten und das IMG oder die ZIP Datei dann einfach zurückspielen oder entpacken kann. Eine Idee, die mich schon lange umtreibt. Der ganze Installationsaufwand würde sich dann auf nachträgliche Anpassung der Netzwerkkartentreiber (IBMNULL ist installiert) ggffs WLAN und Soundtreiber beschränken. Zusätzlich könnte man auf dem USB Stick auch noch ein Linux unterbringen in dem man ebenso schon DFSEE integriert hat, für den Notfall :-)

Bitte nicht wundern wenn ich auf Nachfragen dazu nicht antworte, ich wollte dies bloß noch kundtun um zu zeigen, dass es geht, denn ich habe bis auf die Treiberdateien (Kernel, Loader, ACPI, AHCI,Panorama(war auch mal frei...)) nichts von eCS 2.2 oder davor verwendet, es gibt zwar das Unterverzeichnis eCS auf Laufwerk C: aber dies war notwendig weil Samba dies anlegen musste.

Die eCS 2.2 ist wesentlich instabiler, meine Jahrelangen Erfahrungen (wenn ich so sagen darf) lassen mich darauf schließen dass dies vor allem folgende Ursachen haben dürfte:

- die ganzen eStyler usw. \"Oberflächenerweiterungen\", ebenso \"Preview\" usw.
- die ganzen eco runtimes und files (ich habe davon garnichts benötigt)
- widgets von eco software (wie das USB widget)

(Das schreibe ich im übrigen nicht weil ich meine Probleme mit eCS.RU habe, sondern weil es meine Erfahrungen sind)

also vor allem denke ich kosmetische Sachen, die die vielen kleinen Ärgernisse eingeführt hatten....

Stay tuned for one last more, oder:

einen habe ich noch :-)

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OS2World Wiki is back (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

We are happy to announce that the OS2World Wiki is back.


Now all OS/2 and eComStation users, registered on OS2World.com, can have access to edit and create new pages on the wiki.




You are all welcome to post articles and information related to OS/2 and eComStation. All the content in the wiki must be posted under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license. This license is the same one that uses the Wikipedia and the EDM/2 wiki.


The older content of the OS2World wiki is not complete recovered yet. I hope to include more contents (old and new) on the wiki and to fully test the site I had included my document "Comments and Suggestions about eComStation User Experience".




You are all welcome to post content on the wiki, new articles or help to improve the current ones. You may contact me if you have any doubts or problems.




Martín Iturbide


EDM/2 - February Updates - (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

EDM/2 is the premier site to find OS/2 and eComStation software development information.


Here is some news about the site.

Non-EDM/2 Republished Articles


There are several OS/2 and eComStation programming articles floating around. When the authors authorize to republish their articles under the Creative Commons license, it can be included on the wiki and the most important thing of all, there are clear rules to create derivative works.


The re-published articles on the EDM/2 wiki are:


Moving Up to VisualAge C++ From CSet++ by Roger E. Pett and Joel Troster (August 1996)

OS/2 Debugging in Style by Chris Matthews and Dave Evans (August 1996)

Accessing Databases Using Java and JDBC by Fernando Lozano (July 1998)

SGML and OpenDoc - Bento by Matt Timmermans (September 1995)

Using the IBM Developer API Extensions for OS/2 Warp by Todd Crowe (April 1996)

Using the OS/2 Tutorial Framework by Mike Kaply (August 1995)

OS/2 device driver interrupt processing and the kernel by Joseph Nord (December 1, 2008)

IOCTL90 - OS/2 Ioctl90 Multimedia Mixer - Official API Definition by Joseph Nord (August 9, 2003)

LPTIDC - How to share Parallel port with the OS/2 printer device drivers by Joseph Nord

EXENAME - How to query fully qualified name of current executable from program source by Joseph Nord

DrDialog, or: How I learned to stop worrying and love REXX by Thomas Klein

Part 1 (September 2002)

Part 2 (October 2002)

Part 3 (November 2002)

Part 4 (December 2002)

Part 5 (January 2003)

Part 6 (March 2003)

Part 7 (April 2003)

Part 8 (May 2003)

Part 9 (July 2003)

Part 10 (September 2003)

Part 11 (January 2004)

Part 12 (April 2004)

Part 13 (June 2004)

Part 14 (June 2005)

Workplace Shell and DSOM: Together at Last by Eric Osmann (January 1995)




There is also some non-Creative Commons development related articles/publications that the EDM/2 wiki links to.


This month it had been included the following links.


What is OpenDoc? - Apple Computers - 1996

OpenDoc End User Overview - Apple Computers - 1996

Overview of SOM by AIXpert (August 1995)

IBM’s System Object Model (SOM): Making Reuse a Reality by IBM (July 7, 1994)

Dynamite business systems with DSOM and OpenDoc by Larry Baptist (16 Sep 1996)

Object-Oriented Programming with SOM/6000 By Debora Blakely-Fogel AIXpert (June 94)

The System Object Model (SOM) and the Component Object Model (COM): A comparison of technologies from a developer’s perspective by IBM (July 7, 1994)

SOMobjects Developer Toolkit and Workgroup Enabler: Making reuse a reality by IBM

SOMobjects for OS/400 by IBM

A Close-Up of OpenDoc by Kurt Piersol (June 1994)

Developing With Java(TM) by Herman Rodriguez and Miguel Sang (August 1996)

Developer Connection: Spinning Our Web by Stacey Miller (August 1996)

Inside the Next Release of OS/2 Warp by Cathy Longenberger(August 1996)

Connect Your Data to the Web with Net.Data by John E. Peterson(August 1996)

Network Computing: Get Ready for the Next Wave

Attention DB2 Developers(August 1996)

Get Educated--Enroll Via WWW(August 1996)

Digital Sound Music Interface for OS/2 Adds Multichannel Support for Multimedia Applications (August 1996)

Simplify Pen Application Development by Bryan Dobbs (August 1996)

Introducing the Developer’s Toolkit for OS/2 Warp Version 4 by Jill Simula and Robert Spinneweber (August 1996)

TeamConnection for OS/2: More Than a Source Code Library by Lee R. Perlov (August 1996)

Secure Your Enterprise by Donna Skibbie and Lee Terrell (August 1996)

DSS--We have your Size By Dave Bachmann (August 1996)

Tips Techniques - Tips on Using DSS Threads (August 1996)

Extend DB2 Beyond the Ordinary by Ed Ort (August 1996)

SMARTsort Just Got Smarter by Jane Shen (August 1996)

Cross-Platform Hints (August 1996)

Highlights on Some New Volume 11 Products (August 1996)

Are The LAN CDs? (August 1996)

DevCon Catalog Browser Updates Hints (August 1996)

Professional Certifications (August 1996)

First Failure Support Technology (FFST) - Probing for Solutions to OS/2 Problems by Tony Mueller (August 1996)

Tips & Techniques -- Java - April 1996 (April 1996)

Tips & Techniques -- LAN Systems - April 1996 (April 1996)

Q’s & A’s - April 1996 (April 1996)

IBM Revamps Developer Support (April 1996)

PV--Program Visualizer Technical Information (April 1996)

Go Cross Platform With the Developer Connection by Jackie Walker (April 1996)

Java--An Exciting World of Opportunities by David Mounce (April 1996)

What’s New on Volume 10? by Karen Foley (April 1996)

Finally...Software MPEG Video Playback! by Lauren Post (April 1996)

OpenDoc for AIX by Leigh Williamson (April 1996)

Mustering DCE Registry Objects with the Managed Object Class Library by Theodore Shrader and Gregg Wilson (April 1996)

Strategies for Using the DCE Managed Object Class Library by Theodore Shrader and Gregg Wilson (April 1996)

Enabling DCE Application Servers for System Management by Rick Cohen and Umesh Khatwani (April 1996)

DSS Directory Services by Joe Lucas (April 1996)

32-Bit Memory Management in OS/2 by Monte Copeland (April 1996)

DBCS Enabling of Applications by John Howard (April 1996)

The Power of Hyperwise by Cathy Longenberger (April 1996)

SMARTsort: The Choice for Handling Workstation Data by Tony Gilbert (April 1996)

PMCX: A Combined Solution by Matt Smith, Prominare, Inc. (April 1996)

Bento Brief (1995)

Bento Design Overview (1995)

Happy 2nd Anniversary! (DeveloperConnection) by Barbara Britt (August 1995)

Prepping for the PowerPC by Jeri Dube (August 1995)

The Battleground: Software Consistency and Ease of Use by Joe Pesot and John Sweitzer (August 1995)

What’s New on Volume 8? (Developer Connection) by Karen Foley (August 1995)

IBM Developer API Extensions by David E. Reich (August 1995)

Understanding How OpenDoc "Ticks" Using Trace and Debug Tools by Robert Tycast (August 1995)

Creating a Workplace Shell "PileOf" Class by Bernie Arruza (August 1995)

Ultra-Fast Audio for Games and Multimedia by Linden deCarmo (August 1995)

An Accurate Software Delay for OS/2 Device Drivers by Frank J. Schroeder and Allen Wynn (August 1995)

Using the OS/2 Tutorial Framework by Mike Kaply (August 1995)

Pen for OS/2 Version 1.03: Text Entry Control Data by Mario Galliano (August 1995)

Migrating Your Source Code to OS/2 Warp, Part 3: Migration, Analysis, and Translation by Ingrid Rodriguez (August 1995)

SMART Tips (August 1995)

Hyperwise 2.0: Helpful Hints and Tips by Cathy Longenberger (August 1995)

Getting Started with VisualAge C++ by John Robertson (August 1995)

Introducing URE

New Tool: Universal Resource Editor by Matt Smith, Prominare, Inc. (August 1995)

Developing Games for OS/2 Warp Made Easy by Lynette Mitchell and Herman Rodriguez (August 1995)

Tips & Techniques - August 1995 (August 1995)

IBM Product Compatibility Program (August 1995)

EXTRA! EXTRA! Read about the Toolkit! (August 1995)

OS/2 Applications Benchmark (August 1995)

Operating System Evolution by Jeri Dube and Paul Giangarra (April 1995)

VisualAge C++. A panoramic View - by Jim Williams (April 1995)

Evolving the Blueprint for visibility through integration by Ken Ast and John Sweitzer (April 1995)

Setting the Stage for Object REXX scripting by Mike Baryla (April 1995)

Hello World: Part II, OpenDoc Views and Presentation Types by Robert Tycast (April 1995)

Workplace Shell Processes and Threads by Deepa Desai (April 1995)

Development Tools for OS/2 for the PowerPC by Robert Spinneweber (April 1995)

Migrating Your Source Code to OS/2 Warp, Part 2 by Ingrid Rodriguez (April 1995)

The Road to the Final Four by Yvonne Nonte Stoetzel and Gregg Mason (April 1995)

One Call Does It All by Monte Copeland (PM Article) (April 1995)

Writing Multithreaded Graphics Programs by Kelvin R. Lawrence (April 1995)

APIs and Frameworks by Robert J. Knaus (April 1995)

Writing OS/2 Device Drivers with WATCOM C by Joseph Nord and Robert Rose (April 1995)

Hyperwise: What’s New in Version 2? (April 1995)

Q’s and A’s - April 1995 by Amir Kolsky (April 1995)

Tips and Techniques - April 1995 (April 1995)

OpenDoc Articles by Rollin White

OpenDoc 202: Writing a Part using PartMeister (1996-Nov-11)

OpenDoc 201: Architecture (1996-Aug-02)

OpenDoc 102: Embedded Documents (1996-Jun-7)

OpenDoc 101: A Technology Frontier (1996-Jan-6)


I want to thank all the authors that allowed their articles and documentation to be published on the EDM/2 wiki.


Please visit: http://www.edm2.com


Help is always welcome, contact me if you want to help me with the wiki.

-> URL: http://news.warpevents.eu/de/start/neuigkeiten_archiv/aktuelles_im_detail/archive/2013/march/article/edm2_february_updates.html
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netlabs.org newsletter #186 (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)

This is the latest edition of the bi-weekly http://class='extlink'netlabs.org newsletter. The newsletter can be read on the web at the following URL:

News from http://class='extlink'netlabs.org:
25. February - 3. March
ACPI Subsystem for eComStation
Some updates and fixes
See: http://class='extlink'http://svn.netlabs.org/acpi/timeline

Dynamic Windows Library
Nice bunch of updates again
See: http://class='extlink'http://svn.netlabs.org/dwindows/timeline

Java port for eCS (OS/2)
Sponsoring update
See: http://class='extlink'http://svn.netlabs.org/java/timeline

New ticket raised
See: svn.netlabs.org/newview/timeline

Authors file in UTF8 provided
See: svn.netlabs.org/odin32/timeline

Qt Applications for OS/2
One fix, one new ticket and Gottit updated
See: svn.netlabs.org/qtapps/timeline

Qt Version 4 for OS/2
Highmem ticket raised and two corelib updates
See: svn.netlabs.org/qt4/timeline

Many updates and fixes
See: svn.netlabs.org/usb/timeline

New ticket raised
See: svn.netlabs.org/xata/timeline

18. February - 24. February
eFTE2 Editor
Two updates
See: svn.netlabs.org/efte/timeline

Java port for eCS (OS/2)
Mix of updates and more sponsoring received
See: svn.netlabs.org/java/timeline

One ticket closed as invalid
See: svn.netlabs.org/lucide/timeline

Two updates
See: svn.netlabs.org/nepmd/timeline

One ticket closed, two new ones raised
See: svn.netlabs.org/odin32/timeline

Qt Applications for OS/2
Mix of apps updated as well as new tickets for qPDFView
See: svn.netlabs.org/qtapps/timeline

Qt Version 4 for OS/2
One fix applied
See: svn.netlabs.org/qt4/timeline

Small update
See: svn.netlabs.org/rpm/timeline

Samba for eCS (OS/2)
Number of fixes
See: svn.netlabs.org/samba/timeline

Unix Ports and more
Configuration options extended as well as quite a bunch of updates
See: svn.netlabs.org/ports/timeline

Nice progress
See: svn.netlabs.org/usb/timeline

WSE Events
Checkboxes added
See: svn.netlabs.org/wse_events/timeline

Netlabs.org relies on your support as well. We hire developers to have better progress on projects, for instance. For sure this costs money so any sponsoring is very welcome! You can support netlabs.org via netlabs.org sponsoring units:

Thanks for your support!

We can be reached at: news@netlabs.org
And we are on Twitter now as well! See: twitter.com

netlabs.org team

-> URL: http://news.warpevents.eu/de/start/neuigkeiten_archiv/aktuelles_im_detail/archive/2013/march/article/netlabsorg_newsletter_186.html
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eComStation 2.2 Beta, the Legacy of OS/2 Lives On (von http://news.warpevents.eu/)


"Yes, those OS/2 Warp bastards just don’t want to quit. Today the eComStation 2.2 beta live CD was released for public download. There is also this positive review from TechRepublic, and OS/2 Zelots partying/ranting at their community sites."

Also on OS/2 World: http://class='extlink'http://www.os2world.com/past-news/80-software/19516-ecomstation-2-2-beta-demo-cd-english

Request eComStation 2.2 Beta Demo CD: http://class='extlink'http://www.ecomstation.com/democd/>

-> URL:
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