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OS/2 Netlabs
OS/2 Netlabs was founded in 1997 with the goal of creating a center for free OpenSource Software for OS/2. Today OS/2 Netlabs is one of the largest developers of OS/2 software outside of IBM itself.

With its many ground-breaking projects, OS/2 Netlabs has won a name for itself in the great OS/2 Community.

We port software and device drivers from Linux and other operating systems to OS/2, we are working on a very promising Win32-implementation for OS/2 and are developing a library which will allow the use of X-Applications on OS/2 PM. We have lots of other great projects, so check us out!

Our developers live all around the globe and because they all love the OS/2 Operating System and believe it has a great future, they are all working for free!

Take the time to browse our projects, see what you can do with OS/2 and, if you think you could offer support, don't hesitate to get in contact with us.

We have a lot of projects - and remember - OS/2 Netlabs are always looking for talented developers!
-> URL: http://www.netlabs.org/

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sehr schlecht sehr gut

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