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RC5 Team Warped
This page is devoted to using OS/2 to help with the brute force attacks on the RC5-64-bit RSA Secret-Key Challenge. And, while we want to rally all the OS/2 systems we can, you can also throw any other supported systems our way.

Why am I doing this page? I want an OS/2 RC5 client to break the code. I think it would be cool to get some publicity from doing it. We also are trying to make the OS/2 team one of the top teams in the "standings" at both sites because it will get some attention for the fact that, yes, quite a few people do use our really cool operating sytem. This has been successful so far, and I've discussed OS/2 with quite a few people in #RC5 who are very interested to know that OS/2 is alive and well.

Who should join the effort? Anyone who has a computer that is connected or can be connected to the Internet at any time during the week. The newest Bovine client allows you to download 1000 blocks of 2^31 keys at one time (at least a full month's worth for any PC), thus diminishing the amount of time online required for us dialup users.

What are we doing again? We are attempting a brute force crack of a 64-bit RC5 ecrypted message. Skip Huffman posted a great explaination to the RC5/2 mailing list:
Imagine that you are Indiana Jones and are trying to open the padlock protecting the relic. Now, you could just shoot the lock off, but being a Good Guy you decide to do it the hard way.

You know that the Nazis have just had every possible key for this brand of lock loaded into several large freighters that just happen to be passing by. Well, you manage to highjack the freighters, hundreds of them, and dump the keys in a huge stack by the lock. Now you are going to try each and every one in the lock until it opens.
Why should you join the effort?
  • 64-bit encryption isn't good enough. 80 bit or higher should be the standard. If we can prove that a group of folks on the net can use their spare CPU cycles to break 64-bit RC5 -- a better standard should ensue.
  • If you join the Bovine effort you can make $1000 if you're the one to crack the code.
  • If a Team Warped member finds the code, Team Warped gets $1000 to spend promoting OS/2.
  • Your computer is bored, give it something to do.
-> URL: http://www.ionet.net/~colin/rc5.html

0 1 2 3 4 5
sehr schlecht sehr gut

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