OS2.org News (www.OS2.org): 03.02.2000
IBM: JFS ist Open Source (GPL) (von Andreas Linde : andreas.linde@os2.org)
IBM hat das Journaling Filesystem JFS, das auch im aktuellen OS/2 Warp Server eingesetzt wird, unter der GPL als Open Source freigegeben. Zitat auf der IBM Webpage:
IBM's journaled file system technology, currently used in IBM enterprise servers, is designed for high-throughput server environments, key to running intranet and other high-performance e-business file servers. IBM is contributing this technology to the Linux open source community with the hope that some or all of it will be useful in bringing the best of journaling capabilities to the Linux operating system. Work is currently underway to complete the port of this technology to Linux.

-> URL: http://oss.software.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/jfs/

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