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Hatten Sie Y2K Probleme?


No problems AT all, beautiful

Ich halte das dargestellte Problem mit dem Jahrtausendwechsel als den werbewirksamsten Gag des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts.
Mit Windoes 95/98 oder NT gab es bestimmt mehr Probleme. Selbst auf einem alten 80486 Compaq-Rechner mit Win 3.11 gab es keine Probleme.
Bill Gates und seine Anhänger haben bestimmt wieder reichlich Geld gescheffelt.

Ich hätte mich ja vorher drum kümmern können :->

Mit OS/2 selbst sind keine Probleme zu verzeichnen, allerdings schon mit einiger Software. Diese Probleme sind zwar durchweg in die Kategorie "lästig" einzuordnen, ärgerlich dabei ist jedoch, daß häufig die Autoren keine Anstalten machen, die Fehler zu beseitigen, falls sie überhaupt erreichbar sind.

Alles im grünen Bereich.

aber jetzt mal ehrlich, bei windows ist doch nicht
2000 das problem. jedenfalls stürtzt das auch in allen anderen jahren ab, oder?

I had little problems only with ProNews.

OS/2 1.3 died


Ich hatte auf keinen meiner OS/2 Warp 4 (4 Server) keinerlei Probleme.

Soviel Wind um den 2000 Crash, aber nichts ist bei mir passiert. :-/

Kommunikations-Server lief durch und tat wie erwartet am 1.1.2000 04:00 den ersten Anruf. 3 Clients booteten am 3.1. ohne Probs. Bisher keine Auffälligkeiten.

This was not due to OS/2 itself, but with Pronews, which is currently being worked on. Otherwise, I had no problems.

Natürlich nicht!
...oder hätten Sie etwas anderes erwartet?

lediglich OS/2 Software mit (geringfügigen) Y2K Problemen: FTP-Browser, Golden CommPass

PMMail shows year 100 instead of 2000
Of course, win311 apps. save files with year 00.


I recently upgraded to Warp 4. I also subscribed to WarpUp from Indelible Blue to get easy access to fixpacks. I like the new desktop, now that I've gotten used to it.

My Borland Paradox for DOS database has been able to handle dates from January 1, 100 through December 31, 9999 since at least version 3.5 when I first bought it (late '80s). WordPerfect has needed no attention and appears to have no problems. Quicken also appears to have no trouble. These are all DOS or Win3.1 programs that I run under OS/2.

The native OS/2 program I use that is most closely tied to the calendar is Relish. I use version 2.12, an old version that came with an OS/2 Unleashed book. It also has worked flawlessly.

On the hardware end, I am responsible for about a dozen computers at work and several others at home or at church. The models range from old XT compatibles, Compaq 286, IBM Model 50 MCA, 386, 486 and Pentium. The only problem was with the rollover itself. A simple visit to BIOS setup to enter the date after December 31 was all that was needed for any of these machines.

OS varies from one OS/2, about 5 DOS 6.22, 3 Windows 3.1 and two Windows 95.


Rolled over just fine while online in IRC.

Mit Moneyples ja (aber nicht schlimm), aber da gab es schon im Dezember eine neue Version, wenn man doch nur auf deren Seite geschaut hätte.

Y2K? What a bust!

I wanted to see what would happen, so Y2K updates were not installed. An older version of PM Mail (at my office, running on OS/2 ver.3) thinks 00 is 1900, so the mail isn't correctly sorted in my inbox, but that's all that's been observed in the three installations I have so far.

Mit OS/2 direkt nicht, aber das Bios schaffte das Jahr 2000 nicht - und OS/2 (FP11 ohne DD-FP01) zeigte das Jahr 1994. Mittels "PC Y2000 Test/Fix Tool" der Firma PHOENIX Techn., das in den MBR installiert wird, kann auch OS/2 bei Nicht-Y2K-fähigem Bios dazu gebracht werden, das Systemdatum korrekt zu setzen.

Bis jetzt zumindest nichts aufgefallen

Left PC powered on and OS/2 running over the transition. No problems, of course.

Mußte pmmail und xit updaten.

Y2K problem?
In Object Desktop V2's Object Navigator, a zip file that arrived on my HD some time in 1998 now has today's last write date on it: 1/8/2000

mit OS/2 ist alles O.K. ;-)

ProNews doesn't work properly :-(

FTP-Browser, OS2com sortieren nicht die Daten, wie sie sein sollen

no problem to date

Didn't expect any since I had verified compliance prior to the changeover.

Update von ZTBold erforderlich,
AICQ funktioniert in der V 0.16 nicht mehr,
Probleme mit PostRoad Mailer

Auch nicht mit einer installation ohne Fixpacks

warp 4, fixpack 6

Nur mit PMMail und PMINews (Jahr 100 im Listing) Beides ältere Versionen.
(Hatte noch keine Zeit zum Updaten)

Nur Moneyplex hatte mit dem Online-Saldo Probleme. Das wurde aber kurzfristig mit einem Update gelöst.

just install the right updates.

Nur Pronews hatte Probleme mit den Datumsangaben.

not yet ;)

15000 Büchsen erfolgreich im Jahr 2000

OS/2 selber nicht, jedoch Pronews/2

At least not yet.

I've only had minor problems witk EmTec FTP ,an ftp client which didn't display correctly the 2000 year.
By the way , " he " entered the Y2k running and cruching CSC keys ;-)


With the current Fixpacks in place all seems OK

Not a single problem.

Applied FP12 to all machines from Warp 4 GA a week before Christmas.

My applications already were updated to Y2K compliant versions


Our network of 1,700 Warp (FP38) Servers and 24,000 Warp 3 (FP38) workstations performed flawlessly throughout this past weekend. I was monitoring the entire network across four time zones during the rollover and noted not one Y2K problem.

benutze nen 486DX2-66!!!!
aber is mein lieblings 'spielzeug'.

The print spooler died in lan server advanced, reverting to december
enabled printing again, will probably order the WarpUp CD of patches
from Indelible Blue this week.

PerformancePlus's "AutoArchive" thinks it's 99xxx days 'til the archive should be made.

only problem is with pro news/2

Performance Plus desktop archive showed 39939 days till next archive. Support was very helpful and told me to delete the pv40arc file to fix the problem.

No problems with the OS/2 operating systems itself. One of my older computers suffered from a hardware Y2K-bug and needs a new BIOS. This is of course reflected in OS/2 that showed a date of 1-1-1994 when I rebooted after setting the date manualy to 1-1-2000. A certain "OS" from another company stated 1-1-2094 on the same computer....

Das Problem wurde in den Medien etwas zu hoch stilisiert! Genauso wie seinerzeit der "Michelangelo"-Virus. :-(((

no problems at all (of course, since I got StarOffice I never invoke Win-OS/2 anymore).

Check the integrity of the as?hole that responded "fatal" -
probably, a Bill Gates Dependency Dummy trying to taint the survey.

OS/2 Mahjongg setzt einen Stein falsch ;)

The problem was NOT really OS/2 but a native OS/2 application.

HO Hum!! What a non-existing problem. Hardware is good so I had no problems with either Warp 3, or Warp 4.


Everything was working well; just another day for OS/2. A total non-event.

What is Y2K Problem? :-)
1 WSeB, 6 Warp v4. in an IBM PPRO 180, 1 P166MMX, 5 Cyrix 6x86 200MMX

Läuft super!

No OS/2 problem. One application problem (unpatched timEd), but that's all.


Machine is an IBM PS/2 Model 9595 running OS/2 Warp Server Advanced. Appropriate fixpaks applies. Machine has been running for 6 years.

Nach vorher gehenden Updates auf aktuelle Revisionen der Software wie man geraten wurde... Aber selbst un-updated läufts stabil.
Was sollte man sonst von OS/2 erwarten??


Was I supposed to have a problem ?
I know some other people who did ;-))

Well.. the strangest "bug" I discovered is in PM
Mail 1.95a where I have a date of 100-01-04 !!


date: 19100 statt 2000 in FTP-Browser 1.71 und DirMaster 2.22

BTW, it was a problem with an application (ProNews). System itself was (and is) fine.

What Y2K problem? :-)

Mit OS/2 gar nicht. Nur das Control Center von OD zeigt als Datum 1.1.0....

ODPro V2 control centre clock's date shows 1/5/0

Nothing new to report here. System working just fine. OS/2 DOES rock!

BlueWave offline message reader for OS/2 has a Y2k bug which causes a corrupted "FROM" field which in turn causes a recieving BBS to reject the mail packet. There is a fix for the DOS version of BlueWave but I have not found a solution for the OS/2 version yet

3 PCs all ran through the night. No problems on a test reboot for each one,
apart from one BIOs suddenly (PC partner) 'forgot the date'. The other 2,
a SuperMicro board, and an old Aptiva 486 from 1995 were flawless.

OS/2 itself is behaving perfectly, and I have yet to see ANY problem :-)


My five OS/2 machine had no problems.

Only a small,minor, problem on an application, that the developer fixed the 1st of January

I did find at least one WIN3.1 program that wouldn't function but it is a minor app.

No problems whatsoever. Using an 'old' AMD 5x86 - 133 that I was concerned (slightly) about. Pretty pleased.

OS/2 ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

System running Aurora went thru the rollover without any obvious problems, as I expected (but then it is OS/2)!

Mit aktuellen Fixpacks - keine Probleme!

Lediglich kosmetische Problemchen -- z.B. Datumsanzeige im MDOS-Fenster oder das bereits erwähnte Darstellungsproblem im FTP Browser.

I was connect in the moment and I donīt have any problem!
I have started a donwload in 31/12/1999 and finished in 01/01/2000. Itīs all OK.


AASETUP.exe a desktop backup program from Clear and Simple did not roll over nicely.

At least up to now everything is OK. Later will try DOS programs...

lief vollkommen problemlos!!!!!

Auch ohne Fixpacks lief mein Warp 3c ohne Probleme. Sogar Internet

Programs | Utilities | Error Log (for LAN) rolls from year 99 to 100.
Warp4UK, fixpak9.

FTP Browser has Y2K problem. The File or Directory that made during the
July 1st to Dec.31 indicate "-1-XX-XX". The sorting Engine has problem.

Two applications gave me minor problems. One was solved with a reload, the other with an update.

Also wer rechtzeitig gefixt hat der dürfte eigentlich eine Probleme bekommen haben. Fix 10 (hier war noch eine Änderung im Bezug auf 2000 und WinOS/2) sollte es schon gewesen sein.


No problem (personal use Warp 4 workstation)

Which problem with OS/2 ?

Completely Transparent, no problems found

Alarm on System clock does not work

Nach dem ich das Fixpack 11 (Warp4) installiert habe nicht. Ohne das Fix habe ich es leider nicht ausprobiert.

just object desktop reporting the date as 1/1/0.. only one 0

As it happens, I made a little program to show a New-Year's-Eve-countdown clock for the New-Year's-Eve party I attended. The program (which obviously was Y2K-ready), ran flawlessly on my IBM Thinkpad with OS/2 Warp 4. Right there for everyone to stare at it went happily into the new millennium.


Thank God

Irgendwie war mir das Squish-Y2K-Update verlorengegangen, deshalb habe ich jetzt ein paar Mails angeblich aus dem Jahr 2028 empfangen, die rausgehenden Nachrichten waren aber in Ordnung, und jetzt habe ich auch dieses Update drin. Ansonsten alles ok, zwei Rechner sind beim Jahreswechsel durchgelaufen (Warp 4, FP 7, TCP/IP Einzelfixes).

Cosmetic problem with Object Desktop 2.0 date in control centre

ProNews/2 (not my main newsreader) gives an erroneous date in quoted replies and some article purging affected, not very serious.

I have a 2.11 machine, 5 at 3.0, and 1 at 4.0, and they're all just fine.

None at all.

Pronews/2 had some weird problems, but those are being worked on by the user community.

DirMaster und FTP-Browser zeigen fuer das Jahr 100. (CMOS wird nicht richtig umgesetzt.)

No problems running Warp 3 Connect, Warp Server V4 and Warp 4, including a 9+ year old PS/2 Model 8595 used daily as a workstation with 33d 19h uptime as of now.

OS/2 and apps OK so far. Many, many web sites I rely on for data and information to do my job are either dead in the water or not updating. Not sure if these problems at other sites are Y2K related but its quite a coincidence.

Just minor problems with a very small number of applications (so far!).

Warp 4 bis Fixpack 10
Warp 3 bis Fixpack 26 aktualisiert und keine Probleme

Netscape Cache Needed Flushing

It was a non-event....

Ran a download right thru the rollover and after ran several programs in cluding win 3.1 stuff all worked normally.

My computer and software (Warp 4 fp 10) continued on as if there was no problem.

Lediglich kleinere Probleme mit Shareware-Programmen

Both my campus and home providers (running under various Linux distros) seems to have lots of problems, I guess not due to Y2K issues but due to poor stability of their servers running in true unattended mode during long holidays. They still did not recover fully. No problems here with my office network under OS/2, of course :-).

Had machine running at midnight, sent e-mails at precisely the first second of 2000!

Habe über den Jahreswechsel mit PSNS einen WSeB gesichert. Kein Problem, warum auch ?

No problems with anything at all. :o)


The bug was with Clear & Simple program. It rolled over the date till the next archive from xx (14) to 99373. It was simple to fix it. Just delete the file PV40arc and reschedule the archive.

No Service paks or fixes of any kind. I am running OS/2 4.0 right out of the box. Why, I had to reinstall due to some totally uny2k related issues and just haven't got arround to it. It works fine except for the fact that some of my software won't work without the service pack.

Wüsste nicht was bei neuesten FP's schief gehen soll.....

selbst auf einem uralt-486 isa-only mit warp 3 ohne fixes keine probleme! prima!

Liegt am BIOS, springt auf 1994 - ist weniger ein OS2-Problem.

Not with my OS's, Warp4, Warp Connect, and
Warp Server Advanced. Haven't gone through
all the apps yet, and may take some time to
do so.

Erick Andrews, eandrews@star.net

I have 3 boxes, 1 new and 2 quite old, the new running OS/2 Warp 4 and the older two are running Linux Slackware 7 and OpenBSD 2.6 and none of them have had a single problem so far.


Bei meinem System lief alles reibungslos (OS/2 4.0, Computersystem von 1998). Die IBM sollte das Jahr 2000 trotzdem dazu nutzen, einige Neuerungen in OS/2 zu integrieren (Multimediaunterstützung, neuere OS-Version mit allen Fixpacks ...).

Even my WIN apps are OK so far!

Obwohl nur FP 7 installiert hatte ich auch nichts erwartet!

Desktop went black. Waiting and checking for other glitches... Running Connect

Everything in the OS worked OK. It passed "alive", and when I came home after two days, it was fine.

Upload with Netscape 4.61 made tue4jan2000 was dated mon4jan1999 on target. - Same upload done from our AS/400 was correctly dated.

No problems at work with Warp Connect (v3) running UB Netdirector 18.2 . And no problems so far at home with Warp v4.

No problems Warp 4.0 FP12

and no problems on my Dos Boxes running PC-DOS 7.0 and win 3.11, even the winfile manager shows dates correctly.

No Y2K problems at all. I thought there was when I ran my Lotus 123 DLL on January 1 (I run this DLL on the first of every month) and it formatted only the first day of January. After looking through my C source code and not finding any sort of year calculations (I wrote it in 1996) I realized the DLL ran wrong because I entered incorrect data! I entered "1" instead of "31" for days in the month. Ha ha, silly me! bye -- mhlx


OS/2 laeuft noch immer; nur ein paar NT Maschinen habens nicht ganz verkraftet :-)

I had both of my OS/2 machines up and running over the Y2K rollover, without incident, as expected.

No problem either at home or at work, both warp4 with FP12

PMInews displays 100 as the current year instead
of 00.


No problems. Kept up with Fixpacks as current as possible. Not sure as yet on Zip 100 OAD drivers since recent download from Iomega has same drivers yet as version downloaded year ago.

Auf aktuellen Pentium Rechnern sowieso nicht.
Aber auch auf alten IBM PS/2 Rechnern von 1990 und 1992 haben Warp 4 und sogar OS/2 2.0 und 1.0 !!!! das Datum korrekt auf 3.1.2000 gesetz als ich sie am 3.1.2000 zum erstenmal nach dem Jahreswechsel eingeschaltet habe.
IBM PC Dos 5 hat das nicht geschafft. Das PS/2 (8565SX) zeigte danach 1.1.1980 an.

Some date problems whit FtpBrowser, but the system is fine running

Absolutely no hassles - I was online from about 21h00 on 31/12/1999 to about 07h30 on 01/01/2000 - all was fine and remains fine. Warp4, FP9.

2500+ ATM's experienced no problems, including one running OS/2 1.2...

The only problem was on a dual boot system (for the kids) with OS/2 and DOS/Win3.1. The kids booted into DOS on 1/1/2000, and Windows 3.1 blew (wouldn't recognize the audio card or video card). I tried reinstalling DOS (7) and Win3.1; the drivers for audio (SB PnP) and video (Trident) will not install, and the DOS/Win3.1 setup is relegated to 16 color mode, no sound.

Under WinOS/2, the seamless Win3.1 windowed session will not run (full screen is OK). However, the color depth is also limited to 16 colors (in full screen mode; OS/2 is OK at 800x600 and 65536 colors), so several of the kids games and educational programs now will not run at all, under either DOS/3.1 or WinOS/2.

This is a Windows 3.1 bug. OS/2 is running just fine!! I keep telling the kids that they should stay off of Doze - and now they understand why (even though a couple of them are only 8 years old).


program errors only, OS/2 itself was just fine and had no problems.

I was considerably annoyed by the glitches within ProNews/2...aside from that, everything was minor....

I work for a major support organisation, and our customer primary OS is OS/2. As of 04:00 4th January 2000, we have zero OS/2 OS, or Application Year2000 problems logged

No OS/2 related issues at all. Just an old DOS program shows the date at 01-01-100 ;)

Found nothingn yet, but I've been wrapped up with Windoze for the last few days. I did get several solid hours of Warped computing in on Saturday. Nyet problema.

The OS/2 Warp 4 Fp level 12 operating system had no problems that I have seen.

Warp Server for e-Business has not displayed any problems.

A couple of applications I use did show problems but I am not considering these as OS/2 problems.

WSeB ist um 0:00:05 stehengeblieben, hat er aber schonmal gemacht, kann also auch andere Gründe haben.

Es ist doch keine MS-Software !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Warum auch? :)

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