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Was würden Sie an OS/2 verbessern ?

Your own suggestions

active marketing of OS/2!!!

Mehr Werbung machen. wie damals fuer OS/2 Warp 3

WPS-Stabilitaet erhoehen INI-Files in ASCII statt *.ini-Format WPS-Konsitenz-Checker im Lieferumfang!


Better hardware support for %0D voice communications (voice %0D modems, internet phone %0D technology) Change the single %0D que so that apps reporting to %0D WPS can't hold up user %0D interaction.

ISDN sollte ins System integriert werden

Needs FTP/HTTP download %0D resume support. It's %0D the only reason I use %0D '95 in the office. Parrallel interface %0D support for Zip Drives, %0D Scanners, LS120 drives, %0D etc... File filter support for %0D common applications (ie %0D Word 97) to OS/2 %0D standard apps, as an %0D option in the file %0D system, ie converts the %0D document format at OS %0D level.

- Multiple Message Queue - integriertes Informationssystem mindestens für IPF- und HTML-Dokumente - Developer's Toolkit im Lieferumfang des Betriebssystems (oder des VACPP)

Die Stabilität der WPS ist verbesserungswürdig.


Aleksey Peshkov

Definitely leverage the Linux communities efforts on application support... i.e. faster runtime environments for unix and X-apps.

Perhaps it could be a good idea to "release" IBM from OS/2. I mean, another company would have much care for OS/2 and would develop it better than IBM.

Ich denke dass IBM mehr auf die einmal eingeschlagene weg weitergehen soll, enn alles von JAVA abhangig zu machen, wie die letzte frage auch geht... OS/2 hat genugend eigene technologische vor-sprunge (wie heisst dass auf deutsch') um noch lange mitmachen zu konnen. Java ist schon aber gar nicht dit lang-erwartete zukunft...

Microkernel Unterstützung anderer Prozessoren z.B. PPC

mehr präsens in der Presse

Possibility to start OS/2 without PM (At operation Tshell - it is a lot of errors)

Auswahl der %0D Benutzungsart bei der %0D Installation %0D (Einsteiger, %0D Power-User, Internet, %0D Büro,...) mit Einfluß %0D auf Konfiguration, %0D Oberflächengestaltung %0D und bei privatem %0D Gebrauch %0D Vorstellung/Installati%0D on von Freeware-Tools

More games support. Serious OS/2 users don't need it but it is a selling point for "windoze" and that's why gamers (most home users are gamers) but "whine-doze". Keep up the good work!!!

I would like to see a 64bit version.

Einen Process-Commander in die WPS-Integrieren;Eine Hardwareerkennung, die auch die Treiber selbstständig installiert (win95);Verstellen von IRQ's usw. der erkannten Hardware

Windows 95/98 Kompatibilität herstellen (win32)

An "OS/2 Warp Light" with all the necessary tools to run W'95 apps, good multimedia support and naturally a fine Java and Internet support. Not the accent on networking but more on SOHO.

Drop the GRADD stuff and just help vendors make better 'native' drivers. Use native drivers for winos2 and namtive for the rest.

my greatest concern is that clipboard only holds 64KB, 64MB and more would be adequate - maybe by 2nd clipboard to maintain compatibility with other software.

Make it easier to apply fixpacks, and why so many different packs. In this case I like the NT way. I think this could make OS/2 appeal to the win95 users.

Ein besseres Tool zum abfangen und beenden der abgestuerzten o. haengenden Programme. Mehr Aktuelle Serverprogramme FTP, WWW, PPP wie Linux. Mehr Multimedia Portierungen nach OS2 z.B. Realplayer. Bessere Profi GrafikProgramme im CAD Bereich. Wichtig das entlich einmal das 1.44MByte Laufwerk wie das LS120 im Cache sind, weil diese (LS120) so sehr langsam beim lesen und schreiben sind. Bessere IMPORT und EXPORT Filter von StarOffice zu verschiedenen Textverarbeitungen.

Multiple Input Queue

IBM owns Lotus & look how long it has taken to get SS our. The same is true with Netscape. While they may not own Netscape, IBM should be ashamed with OS/2 users still using a version more than 2 behind what the rest of computer users have. I feel that IBM dosn't care about individual users. If they did there would be more 'new' techmology programs for OS/2.

-WarpCenter sollte auch vom %0A User individuell konfigu-%0A rierbar sein%0A%0A-Archive System sollte besser %0A werden: d.h. es sollten %0A kontrollierte Generationen %0A mit Status-Beschreibungen %0A moeglich sein, zudem sollte %0A jedes Archiv mit Log einseh-%0A bar sein%0A-besseres Resourcen-Mgmt z.B.%0A muessen in vielen Bereichen %0A die Angaben 2 Mal eingegeben %0A werden, damit z.B. Printer %0A enwandfrei arbeiten...%0A-System-Start, z.B. Multi-%0A User-Login oder Selection %0A verschiedener Boot-Locations %0A (stand alone, connected oder %0A mit oder ohne Peripherie ist %0A fuer mobile User wuenschens-%0A wert...%0A-Installations-Routine sollte %0A die Qualitaet (wirklich !!) %0A einer NT-Inst. bekommen%0A-es gaebe noch einiges mehr !

Fix the stupid Omni driver so it actually works!

Priority to SMP

Fixig steinalter Bugs wie Schablonen drag in Netzlaufwerke, Suchendialog aus Kontextm. sollte aktuelles Verzeichniss übernehmen ... .%0AUpdate von pmseek...%0ATaschenrechner fehlt seit 3.0!!!%0A

treiber support für aktuelle hardware ist zu verbessern

Es fehlt Multilink-PPP

New client version. Improved User Interface. Multiple input queues. Multi processor Client out of box

DSOM (aka CORBA) is an internet technology!

Wie wäre es mit einem Update für VoiceType auf ViaVoice-Level' IBM könnte dieses Goodie wohl ein bißchen mehr Pflege angedeihen lassen. Besserer DOS-Support vor allem für Spiele - einige neuere, obwohl für DOS geschrieben, laufen nicht mehr unter OS/2.

Verzeichnissstruktur verbessertn. BSP: MPTS, IBMCOM, TCP/IP... alle in ein Verzeichnis "NETZWERK" oder so...

Performancesteigerung der WPS beim Kopieren von Dateien. In einer OS/2 Box kein Problem, nur die WPS scheint manchmal sich manchmal zu "verschlucken". HPFS Support für MO Laufwerke und nicht nur ZIP, etc. TCPIP 4.1 für alle !!!!! Eindeutige Positionierung von OS/2 im Markt, bzw. Stellungnahme seitens IBM. Es scheint als ob der Kurs eher einem schlingerndem Schiff gleicht. Mal so, mal so. Dann wird vielleicht auch das Interesse von weiteren Kunden geweckt. Aber so scheint es, als ob IBM den Endkunden und kleine Firmen mit ca. 5-10 Installationen vergraulen möchte, um dann nur noch die Großkunden zu bedienen. Machen ja weniger Probleme und bringen mehr Geld.

Fix the single input queue problem Better process kill

HPFS-Filesystem ist zu langsam und muesste dringend %0D ueberarbeitet werden. Ohne staekere Unterstuetzung von Druckern, CD-Writern und Multimediatechnologie wird der OS/2 Markt weiter %0D schrumpfen.

OS/2 needs to have %0D consumer quality %0D multimedia and the games %0D are what made Windows 95 %0D famous and used by %0D billions of people. IBM %0D should fully support ALL %0D efforts by developers %0D that produces ANY kind %0D of software and help to %0D produce SDK's. %0D Multiprocessor support %0D would be VERY helpful. %0D Just look at NT and %0D Linux.

Fix the single Queue problem!!!

Support newer hardware with drivers. (Like 3Dfx Voodoo 2 and%0ABanshee). IBM should also hire the entire Win-OS/2 team and pay them to finish/update their work!

Selbstaufklappende Menues wie es NPSWPS macht. Unter Ordnern die Anzeige der Anzahl/Groesse der Dateien in dem Ordner (warp enhancer).%0AWie unter Win95 beim kopieren/referenz erstellen etc. ein kleines Menue das fragt:"Was willste nun'".%0ASupport fuer mittlere Maustaste. Ein natives preisguenstiges Fakturierungsprogramm.%0AISDN Unterstuetzung fuer Internet. Spracheingabe auf den neuesten Stand bringen und in deutsch und englisch (e-euro-buisiness).

put alphaworks to work on OS/2

I have already made a suggestion to IBM but they said we're not headed there -- since OS/2 has so much of the mainframe and VM concepts, make OS/2 into a VM like environment. Make it able to run, concurrently, any operating system out there. This way IBM would be back on top of the heap because OS2/VM (VM/PC) would be able to run anything just like the mainframe VM can run VM / VSE / MVS, concurrently. JAVA - Here in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Visual BASIC still rules. 40 ads for VB and only 2 for JAVA. So, IBM is barking up the wrong tree.

consider adding something like the Mac extension manager and control panels for easier system modifications

Schur ! Reichlich polemisch, Jungs. Schade eigentlich. MfG CoCo

CD burning software should be available at WindowsXX version levels.

Single message queue must be done away with. Even IBM admits in the book "OS/2 Warp Connect PPC Edition" that OS/2 PPC uses multiple queues and yet it is source-compatible with nearly all 32-bit Intel apps.

A great marketing campaign like never seen before from ibm. IBM better support to the platform.

verbesserte Treiber, speziell für Drucker (Textausdrucke: puh)

Don't let OS/2 became old :-) %0AToo many fix around different sites..%0AI need a refreshed Warp all in one

WPS muß "echtzeitfähig" und sicherer werden (insbesondere Wartung -> vernünftiger Installer), beispielsweise durch eine eigene Fensterliste für "logische Systemprozesse" (Plattenzugriffe, Fenster öffnen)

Ich finde es imens Wichtig das OS/2 eine Ähnliche Multiuserfähigkeit wie NT oder besser noch wie UNIX erhält. Außerdem sollten auch andere Hardware (PowerPC) unterstützt werden. OS/2 sollte ein Hochleistungssystem zwischen UNIX und NT sein.

We need a Desktop Publsihing package. This is the biggest gap in the OS/2 environment

Einsteigersupport fuer OS/2 stelle ich mir im Unix-Stil vor, d.h. es muss (!) (gedruckte) Doku fuer Einsteiger geben, aber sie darf lernwillige Leser voraussetzen. Bitte keine "Elefanten" mehr! Explorer, NewsReader/2 und Ultimail sollten zugunsten eines mitgelieferten Netscape aufgegeben werden. Es ist wichtig, dass REXX als Skripting-Sprache gepflegt und ausgebaut wird. Java und Java-Script sind keine Alternativen. Sogar NT fuehrt endlich eine Script-Sprache ein! REXX muss endlich ein (einfaches) graphisches Frontend von IBM bekommen. Ich haette aber auch nichts dagegen, wenn REXX durch TCL oder Perl ersetzt wuerde, aber natuerlich mit Zugriff auf WPS und andere systemspezifische Sachen. Die WPS muss stabiler werden; evtl auch auf Kosten der ausgefeilten objektorientierten Funktionalitaet. OS/2-Technologie und Internet-Technologie sehe ich nicht als Alternativen an. Auf keinen Fall darf das Hypertext-Format .inf zugunsten von HTML geopfert werden. Der Editor EPM muss gepflegt werden. Es existiert kein alternatives Produkt. dazu. Auch im Zeitalter graphischer IDEs gibt es genuegend Aufgaben fuer einen anspruchsvollen Texteditor.

please go on!

More networking compatability to connect to Windows Networks where there may not necessarily be a server

OS/2 stability needs improvement; also compatibility with other systems. These other systems are Unix/Linux, MacOs, NT and BeOS. Win'95/98 is a total waste of time ands OS/2 shouldn't bother about it; they're disappearing anyway.

The single most important improvement IBM can make w/OS2 is in their marketing. They need to agressively attack Windows instead of dinking about. All of the technical advances in the world won't matter a bit until they change their attitude.

Die Vermarktung könnte besser sein

The WPS and (D)SOM are very important! Love OS/2 by it's object oriented design. Java isn't the key for OS/2.

Should look toward 64bit procceser technolegy

I will be shocked if *any* of this ever sees the light of day, or if there is *ever* another desktop OS/2 version. Buy a Mac...

For OS/2 to have a future, IBM is going to have to ensure that enough manufacures out there continue to provide support for the operating system. Over the years I have seen too many daugther board manufactures cease providing os/2 software drivers for their cards, sound, video, whatever.

enhanced WPS with more consistened look win-os32 technique as GA in Warp 5 easiest way of installing java (updates programs) would make OS/2 into javaOS (but further compatibility with warp-apps and WPS-addons)

OS/2 Need better driver support for NEW and OLD hardware. IBM has to find a way to get HW companies to create QUALITY drivers for OS/2 so that IBM doesn't have to make all the drivers in-house.

OS/2 needs to boot faster

1. It's ver important to have updated drivers for new hardware like USB, I2O,superdisk, DVD. . .%0A2. Standard utilities like RealAudio or RealVideo should be alavable for OS/2 to give it more appeal to computer users.

Defragmentation of files and freespace and faster Diskchecking is a must. I want to check/defrag on booting with ALL features, esp. check /F:3.

os/2 is THE alternative on the pc, although without compatibility to some micro$oft stuff it will not 'survive' too long. due to the technology os/2 is based on, it has some real advantages compared to the ms-world. most of the tools and utilities os/2 is shipped with, are a lot more useful than compared to Win95 or WinNT. that's great. speed and stability are very ok, although since os2/warp and above i miss some of the latter. a thing that would put some ease into installing software packages would be an os/2-administrated installation system such it it is already hinted in the system (but has never been finished). 'ms-users' are not aware what they miss not using os/2 ... :) some stuff found in linux or macOS would do os/2 good. internet support is very important, but never forget os/2 technology. one last fact: without games, os/2 will die soon or late.

WPS Erweiterung a' la Oberon-2

VoiceType support is Critical! OS/2 needs ViaVoice _NOW_ and it should be Advertised widely.

If some of the options are financially unviable, open up the source code and allow the OS/2 community to do it. ie, the Kernel may be maintained by IBM, but open up the source for the WPS, SOM, OpenDOC, MMPM/2...

Update OS/2 with ViaVoice!

OS/2 has to run win95 applications like MS Office, MathCad and so on. I mean critical applications, not games. To run games we have BootManager. If Linux world will find a way to get something like MS Office applications, I think all users swich to this platform sooner or later.

Unix 98

It's time for IBM marketing to take another shot at the SOHO PC workstation market. The future will be determined by these folks. Let them know that the best is available. Also, get a new client with all the fixpaks and a WPS enabled Communicator/2. The missing drag and drop of graphics and URL's is limiting. If IBM will not pursue the SOHO market, I want IBM to recommend the alternative OS that they think their loyal OS/2 Warp users should adopt.

IBM should actually market their own products, instead of marketing Microsoft's to the hilt. Otherwise, perhaps we should believe IBM intends to cede the entire computing market, a segment at a time, to Microsoft.

I still use a 486 with OS/2 Warp 3. If it ain't broke, don't fix. Keep the core OS/2 simple to allow use on older PC's. Windows 95 and now 98 demands more and more which means I would have to upgrade my PC every time the software was upgraded. This should not be necessary if the system was doing the job in the first place.

Get rid of the single input queue

OS/2 has great diferentiating technologies than the rest of the crop, SOM and WPS need to be optimized for performance !

Soft Power-on/off; Installable RDBMS (as alternative/addition to HPFS); Automatic INI maintenance; Win32s 1.30 support; WPS frames; Complete Java/PM integration;

enhance voice support

OS/2 needs more native software, not the ability to run other OS' software.%0A%0AAn incentive program for development of hardware drivers. IBM gathers together all the hardware and API info, posts them on a website for potential driver developers. Free IBM products for participants.%0A%0A


IBM should get off of its %0D corporate/lemming arse and do some real %0D work on OS/2.

Hardware Support. This is my single biggest issue with OS/2. I use it at home and at work, and am constantly wrestling with the 'generic' hardware.

As for your site, English pages would be great, you have a lot of very good OS/2 realted information and having English pages would make that information easier for the rest of the OS/2 community around the globe. Thanks.

I would like you to translate your site to English (or to Spanish :-) )

Release a new version with the warp-server functionalities in it

Solve the SIQ-problems!

IFS in das man dyn. ftp % nfs laufwerke usw. mounten kann. Bessere WPS Order: - Z.b. HTML als Hintergrund, der Informationen zum gewaehlten Object anzeigt, ala active desktop. (Einsteiger support) - Bessere FTP ordner die nicht fuer jeden Ordner eine Verbindung aufmachen sondern einen Hintergrundprozess fuer die Verbindungen benutzen. Incl einem Monitor der noch anstehende Anfragen/laufende Datenuebertragung.

DSOM endlich CORBA Compliant als Release und nativ. WPS Fix und Anbindung an neues DSOM. Neuer ATM mit Multi Master Font Unterstützung. PDF als WPS Datentyp (Anzeigen und Erzeugen!). QuickTime als WPS Datentyp! Robustere Systemeinstellung und getrennte Sicherung. JAVA JFC Look und Feel für PM. Besserer Tree Control (Auto Scrolling). Neuer NetWare Client inklusive NDS Anbindung -> NDS auch ohne NetWare. Datenkomprimierung und Verschlüsselung/Zugriffsschutz sowohl per WPS als auch CLI. Verbesserte Productivity Tools wie z.B. ein Scheduler kombiniert mit Terminplaner (Es soll da Lotus Produkte geben...) Datensicherungstool! Multi-User Desktop muß sein und SES müssen endlich Produkte folgen -> Einbindung in NT Domänen bzw. NDS. Wie wäre es mit ONC und DCE Support'! Überhaupt, NFS Support muß sein.

OS/2 needs better technical documentation from IBM (e.g. OS/2 Sendmail, REXX)

You seem to misunderstand the concept of speed vs stability. They are not mutually exclusive. What you *DO* need is to have enough funds cut loose to have the stability there to start with, the speed will come along later.

The top things I need... is IBM support of Lotus Notes 5.0 and other products. Win32 emulator is the second one Then Multymedia and OpenGL

ENdlich mal vernünftige, schnelle Druckertreiber. Aber nachdem auch Epson sich verabschiedet hat seh ich schwarz!

Better font support(like smoothing)! More info about developing OpenDoc stuff(even if IBM dropped it)! DSOM must become CORBA2.0 compliant in order to make it work with other ORBs!

You don't offer enough options in this survey: I want stability, but *also* speed. I want the WPS, but lower resource requirements! Check your English: when you mean 'aktuell' use 'current', and 'weder' is 'neither'.

support for fat32

replace SIQ with multi input Queue (') add a good kill option (one that actually works on all hung programs)

integration of a fulltext %0D indexing system and a small %0D dbms would be fine

The only thing that I would like is a excellent family tree program that can handle GEDCOM, my 200 odd scanned docos and sources. like Nils Miesers but better

The most I'm missing ist real desktop publishing software for OS/2... and a fix for some functions of the user interface (errors, when ther is no disk in, icons on the surface are not stable... ).

PCI sound card and modem support needed soon....

We need new package with included Fixpacks (Warp 3 and Warp 4) for installing on a new PCs.

Improve WPS, since that is what makes OS/2 appear slow and unstable, but don't remove it, I can't live without it.

Das mit Abstand groesste Problem von OS/2 ist das miese Marketing von IBM. Was hilft das besste System, wenn die Hardwarehersteller keine Treiber liefern, weil sie nicht wissen, ob in einem halben Jahr irgendwer noch OS/2 benutzt, bzw. OS/2 ueberhaupt noch existiert.

make the source code public !! and IBM should start %0D supporting their own OS more %0D oftain in house. (i.e. there %0D should be OS/2 versions of all %0D the software they do.)

please, IBM, if Your read %0D this, replace the SIQ. I %0D think, that this would %0D increade the stability of %0D OS/2.

sometime OS/2 technologies ARE internet technolgies of the future, like DSOM. We need more advanced-level documentation, like what the hell goes on in config.sys. While a lot of software is available on the net, some of it is massive to download, so it would be nice if versions were included with OS/2. Also, why not include things for advanced users, like Apache and other free web servers), Xfree86, Perl, emx, etc on the CD's. Heck, they can even include the whole of Hobbes if it fits.

I would really like to see more/better MM support. Games are what attract young/new users and better MM support would really help developers. I would also like to see the features that are already in OS/2 be enhanced. The installation routine also needs some help. Installation for fixpacks needs to be enhanced also, we need to get rid of the "what order do I install these FP's in" problem.

IBM should make it possible to buy OS/2 directly over the Internet using a credit card on a secure server. Then they should drop the CD's into the mail, but also give access to an online copy for download. Let's make that modem glow... :-)

not yet

The system should support as many UNIX features NOW as it did previously. The OS/2 2.0 had available UNIX libraries, NFS, and X with Motif support. IBM should dust off those technologies, rebuild them for the latest OS/2 Warp 4 (or whatever) and offer them as extra downloads at low or no cost. The lack of X and NFS are a real handicap now! IBM should also release FREE all the OS/2 API libraries, for UNIX BSD style sockets, NFS, X and so on, but of course full documentation on the TCP/IP set of libraries should be released with them. Thanks for the support and interest! Richard Turner.

Why is it that I cannot have > 2048 HPFS cache. Crippled for no reason. In this day and age the old 10% of memory default allocation would yeild at least 3 meg on most PCs, Let me have 32 meg HPFS cache If I have the Memory available !!!

Combine 'FileBar' and 'PM-Patrol' into base install (dump Warp Centre). Address SIQ problem..... highest prority 'I2O' ..... a must

It should be easier to enable or disable classes.

OS/2 needs support for IDE %0D CD-Writer (a matter of %0D IDE-Support)

OS/2 needs to continue evolving along the same course as it has. This is what makes OS/2 different from, and better than the rest. OS/2 is OS/2. If users want Win xx or Linux, then they should buy Win xx or Linux, not OS/2.

In my profession (Financial Planner, Tax Practitioner and Tax S/W Sales), I NEED ability to run Win95/98 programs. I have NO choice. e.g. MorningStar PrincipiaPlus, Frontier Analytics asset allocation S/W, Income tax S/W which is ALL going Win95/98. I LOVE OS/2, but am fast beginning to wander. I may migrate to Win NT if IBM drops support for OS/2 and does not deliver a client version of either WSOD or Auora. Check out my www site: philamoore.com

OS/2 *needs* Win32 support!

New technologies and applications from IBM should appear first for OS/2 and AIX, not NT!

There are many signs indicating that Java will not be what once was generally expected. Therefore I don't think that IBM should pu all efforts in Java. . When you buy Warp 4 today you must at least get new drivers for todays large harddisks just to install it. How can a newbie posibly handle this'

new versions of full screen dive ,enDive, dart, rtmidi, multimedia toolkit like directX.

My suggestion to the issue about IBM having to give away the OS/2 Code: It would be great if the people who like to enhance OS/2 would write some device drivers, or not' Maybe it is possible to get in contact with hardware vendors ...

Final fix for the Single Input Queue! I'm sick of rebooting because I can't interact with the system.

More than technology OS/2 needs better public relations. Better Advertising and Marketing

SMP is crucial, even to the next client. SOM/DSOM should evolve(devolve) to CORBA. REXX is an excelent scripting language, leave it in. OS/2 needs BETTER DRIVER SUPPORT!!!!!

Would like to see docking station support for OS/2 Warp (other than thinkpads). As well as increased hardware support for PCMCIA cards. Would like to see a Warp five for the SOHO market that competes with Win98. And would like to have the ability to run Win32's above 1.25a.

I want a robust but "bullet-proof" OS/2 client. In addition to native, DOS/WIN16 and JAVA, it should somehow run WIN32 and UNIX/POSIX/LINUX. In general, OS/2, as a family of products, should become a stratigic line for IBM.

Despite its many other failings, the WinNT/95 hardware install and network setup is rather easier to deal with. So I think OS/2 would benefit by a similar system, where the interface is the same for *all* hardware.

Running Win-32 applications is very important to allow OS/2 compete with Windows. If any Win 95/98/NT application could be run on OS/2, than, the argument will be much easier to proof - OS/2 is superior !!!

OS/2 installation from DOS/Win sessions (a la WinNT) No BonusPak, include Smartsuite 96 or StarOffice

i would like to see a file browser incorporated into os/2 other wise os/2 comes with all the features i need. 3d games for os/2 would be nice like unreal.ibm should promote os/2 as an alternative to windows a lot of my friends have never heard of os/2 and are not willing to give it a try.

Improve / add speech and %0Ateleconferencing capabilities, improved communications drivers%0A(e.g. SIO)

Possible links to third party vendors included in the desktop on initial installation so users can have an idea of how flexible and configurable OS/2 can be and that functions not included are available. eg. Stardock, Escape GL, Pmmail etc.

We need some more modern office packages (lite and heavy too)

Leave SOM this is part of what makes OS/2 the OS that it is.

i would like to have backwards compatibility with w98, wNT, vfat32, and ntfs built into os/2 from ibm. i could also use more drivers for popular hardware (do you know how hard it is to get sb-sound card working *properly*''')

Cancel the licensing to Mickey$oft for the DLL and RLE technologies, dump HPFS and get right to JFS

Just keep on making OS/2, cause that's all I want to use..

My personal experience is that OS/2 is serving its biggest role in the back-rooms inside corporations. Because of this, I would argue for as stable a system as possible with the tools to create lights-out processing environment. Communication links to other systems is important. We have been using OS/2 as a hub connecting MVS, VSE, Novell, NT, PC-DOS, and UNIX. The simplicity of connecting to other systems is vital.

better multilingual/international support (e.g. multiple, switchable code pages, keyboards, etc.); better peripheral support (drivers for scanners, printers, etc.); better developer support for writing drivers and general purpose applications; more system control/monitor apps (see NT admin tools); better browser plug-in support; xDSL/cable-modem support; and did I mention': stability, stability, stability!

We need DBCS support for English eviroment Applications.

smp in the fat client

64Bit Merced support%0Aoverhaul of the os/2 plumbing so that the SIQ is AIQ%0A

Fix the single input que %0D problem, and support W95 as an %0D option.

IBM needs to take a stand on where they plan to go with OS/2 and somehow make people believe that the statements they make about it's future are actually true. Most don't believe they plan to continue to enhance the product at all, therefore, very few new users will be won over...and if that's the case, OS/2 *IS* dead. All businesses need to grow.

I would like to see the entire web page in English.

Just continue to develop, maybe a third-party to handle the developmentmarketing for SOHO.

IBM needs to lay off the Network Computing stragety and focus more on native OS/2 software. Java is well and good, but if you want speed, go native.

OS/2 needs the home market to advance. Many of the businesses are converting to WinNT despite OS/2's superiority. The reason is simple. Almost everyone that has a computer at home is using Windows 95/98. In order for workers and executives to take work home, they want to have the same applications at home and at work. The perception is that OS/2 is only for high end work and not general needs like word processing and spreadsheets. OS/2 needs better support for novice and entry level users.

Support for DVD, USB and hardware OpenGL would be extremely effective a getting new OS/2 users as well as keeping the users we have.

I am a small PC OEM in USA. What really kills OS/2 here is the lack of some simple software. Most important of these is a program that will do American Federal and State income taxes! You would not belives the OS/2 preloads i've lost because i can't get anyone in the OS/2 community to listen!!!

I want IBM to not allow os2 to wither away and die. I use os2 exclusively and thats the way I like it. It is a fine system with much elegance. I would hate to see it go.

Monitor / Aufloesungswechsel "on the %0D fly"

mehr treiber support von den firmen der hardware und mehr programme..zb.: zeichen.-malprogramme..

yes os/2 is ok to work but to take the interest of the people os/2 must become also a good system to play. why not!

OS/2 brauch ein gescheites Marketing und ein bisschen Werbung von IBM. Wer kauft schon ein OS von einer Firma, die Werbung fuer ihre WinNT Produkte macht...

SIQ '' Need an email "how do I '" support site Need an index to point to the info that IS available. A good website should handle this.

Stability is important, but when you can keep it stable, please make it FAST too...

- Verbesserter Dateimanagmer - Integrieren von Packern wie ZIP im Filesystem - Schnelleres Filehandling - Netzwerkmonitor & Diagnose - Schnelle Dateisuchmaschine

Warp 4 auf aktuellem FixPak-Stand als pseudo-neues Release für Leute (wie mich), die öfter mal ein neues System einrichten müssen. Unimaint, GammaTech, DeskMan und FileStar/2 "on-board"

Fix single input queue No more dancing elephants - also get rid of the weird remote service stuff. Simplify fixpack process.

More then anything IBM needs to support it's OS/2 applications and developers. And stop playing footsy with M$.

remote-demons von OS/2 sind immer noch ein Krampf (sshd und co.)

I would like the SIQ thing fixed, even if that breaks older programs. I want control of my system no matter what any application does.

OS/2 braucht Treiber, Treiber %0D und nochmal Treiber! Wenn die %0D Hersteller keine liefern muß %0D IBM hier mehr tun

Fix the install.

endlich ein vernünftiges Kill-Feature und keine Single-Message-Queue mehr

i think an optional (but a good one) win32 (emulator) would be nice and give me the opportunity to get rid of Windows on my PC and so save me much HDD space and rebooting between OSses

NFS fehlt !

Eine Emulation für %0D 16-Bit Module.

- "Processing Exitlist" <- wech damit%0A- schneller booten, sollte doch möglich sein ;)

more unix alike, for example no need to reboot to apply settings, everything should be applied on-the-fly. better, more stable and faster wps. technically a lot improved vdm, more technical settings in general

make os-2.de in english! :)

development of a DTP aplication like Quark for this superior platform

Graphische Elemente im Standard-REXX fehlen. Ich moechte da nicht erst Erweiterungen kaufen müssen.

Support! If IBM isn't _visibly_ behind OS/2 all the way, I wouldn't recommend anyone to use OS/2, no matter how good it is...

Put a freaking Async Message Queue in the PM, and a killable PMSHELL when it hangs.

Es gibt hunderte von OS/2 "enhancern", viele sind Freeware und teilweise sogar mit Source erhältlich. Ein Bundlen und sauberes Einbinden in OS/2 würde schon verdammt viel Ärger und Zeit ersparen!

Das Basissystem gefällt mir so wie es ist sehr gut. Win32 Unterstützung wäre wünschenswert, da die (wenigen) Win16 Programme, die ich benutze inzwischen nur noch in besseren Win32 Versionen gepflegt werden. Alle Internet Technologien sollten unterstützt werden, aber das ist wohl eher eine Frage von Netscape Plugins als des Betriebssystems....

1.Verbesserung der WPS durch Multiple Message Queue 2.Bessere Integration von zusaetzlicher Software in die WPS (wie z.B. StarOffice-z.Zt. eine Katastrophe) 3.Bessere Treiberpolitik fuer normale Hardware wie Drucker, Scanner, Grafik etc.

ausgereiftere, schnellere, produktivere WPS viel stabileres MMOS2

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